The age of the soul on the physical plane

The age of the soul on the physical planeA photo from open sources

As consciousness develops, a fragment goes through various ages of the soul. “Age of the soul” indicates its growth and experience, accumulated on the planet, and not just the number of lives lived. On the physical plane, there are seven age cycles. Five of them completely subordinate to the laws of development of the human body. it Infancy, Childhood, Youth, Maturity and Old Age. In each of There are seven levels of these cycles. The remaining two soul ages are transcendent souls and the Infinite Soul. On the physical plane we for the first time we fall as infant souls. Over the next of lives, the age of our soul increases, and we reach the seventh infant soul level, then go to the first level of the infant souls and so on. Every life we ​​start again as an infant soul and then quickly advance to the next levels until we reach the highest level reached by our soul in the past of life. But we cannot reach this level in every life. Sometimes we allow ourselves to get stuck at earlier levels. “Older” yet doesn’t mean “better,” because every age of the soul has its own tasks. Therefore, one who makes great efforts, trying to cope with its tasks of the higher levels of the old soul may seem less “advanced” than one who easily copes with the challenges facing in front of his soul of a younger age. On average, to go to The next level requires three lives. Not all souls move with same speed. Some may complete all lessons. physical plan for 50 lives, others will need 300. We we can advance the next level at any time if We feel that we are ready for this. It can happen between lives or in the process of life. Some fast-moving souls may one life to go through several levels if you concentrate on your spiritual development. Transition from one age to another can be accompanied by changes in the way and circumstances of life. However speed alone doesn’t matter. Every fragment advancing at its own speed.

Seven Ages of the Soul

Infant soul We come to this planet as infant souls. In this cycle, we take care of ourselves, adapting to a new physical existence for us and learning to survive. Infant souls usually settle in primitive cultures and civilizations where the element of the struggle for survival is important. These souls are interested in the circumstances of the physical plane, but not notice that other people’s desires may not coincide with their own. They don’t open emotionally because their emotional nature is not yet fully formed. In more developed society, infant souls seem out of place, they do not fit into society. Infant souls are still close to Tao and have a penchant for religion as worship of the sun and in general nature. At birth, we manifest the infant aspect of the soul, regardless of whether he is our highest already level achieved or not. This aspect is related to our primitive, instinctive nature and survival training in the human body. It is closely connected with the Earth, especially with Mother Earth, with the feminine aspect of the planet. We can see it in children loving to mess around in the mud, play with insects, frogs and lizards. Adults come in contact with their infant. souls through rituals – shamanistic dance, music, sacred sex, drugs, percussion, face and bodies with various ornaments. The infant part of the soul can be called also in various physical conditions – for example, with a disease, injury or enlightenment when contact with primitive sources of energy. We feel the infant part of our soul, when there is a threat to our life or well-being, for example, when we lose our job. Military action, hunting, late walking alone in dangerous areas, scary movies and situations that awaken primitive fears in you lead us to contact with the infant aspect of our soul. When can we refrain from fear, this kind of experience gives us an invigorating the adrenaline rush into the blood, “chill on the back”, exacerbation perceptions. This aggravation is due to the fact that our Instinctive The center opens to our essence so that it knows about danger and could immediately respond to it. Generally, the experiences of the infant soul are physically intense, primitive and mystical – in the sense that they bring a person into contact with forces far greater than his consciousness. Infant souls at the bottom of the social ladder are often seem to other people strange and undeveloped. They usually don’t trying to find a permanent job, as it seems to them burdensome. In general, the Earth came quite close to the moment when the last infant soul reincarnates on it. Now at the beginning of the cycle is much less entities than just a hundred years ago. Infant souls usually prefer to reincarnate in other places. Firstly, because that the Earth is a little “worn out”, hard work lies ahead and therefore the majority of “beginners” decide to start on younger the planets. In addition, since the average age of souls on Earth approaching the mature, every soul embodied for the first time, forced to “catch up” with the total mass. Michael claims that neither for one soul too far behind the rest cannot be enjoyable. Baby soul By the time we reach children’s souls, we already manage to deal with the mechanisms individual survival. Baby showers tend to develop civilization and maintaining order. They learn to use their creative energy in this direction. Baby souls love to their life was streamlined, structured, and seeking authority, which could provide such a structure and order. In religion they prefer large-scale, well-organized belief systems, which prescribe clear rituals and standards of behavior. They are They love cleanliness and often go to medical facilities. Them it is necessary that a certain authoritative take care of their body and health force. Baby souls are afraid of everything unusual. Societies built baby showers are rigid and have a strict hierarchy of power: for example, The Roman Empire. These souls are less aggressive than infants or young, they care about collective, not individual survival. At this age, the ability to evaluate certain social actions in terms of their morality or immorality. Our childhood aspect of the soul is that part of us that learned to build their relationships with representatives of public power structures and the world in general on a civilized basis. This each of us has an aspect, regardless of whether our soul as a whole is childish or not. Civilizing influence which have parents and society, allow children aspect of his soul begin to dominate the infant. First thing connected with this influence in a child’s life is learning to walk on the pot (not in the pants). Children are taught to restrain their natural instincts to please those who have power over him (to parents). Then comes the control of how the child eats, talking, acting. (Parents often perceive this phase like making “real” people out of little barbarians.) As far as as a child grows, his behavior is controlled by teachers, friends and empowered figures – police officers, doctors, priests and politicians. Our childhood aspect of the soul is that part of us that follows the rules: “Make your bed,” “Do not take it from strangers people’s sweets “,” Drink plenty of fluids. “Our childish aspect of the soul loves cleanliness, order and structuredness, he is upset violation of these principles: “Why didn’t you clean the room?”, “Why are you I didn’t say that today we will have lunch earlier than usual? “,” We always did it differently! “Our childish aspect of the soul feels that he must control instinctive behavior – such as food, wash, sleep and sex. All our social behavior determined mainly by a sense of relevance and correctness with point of view of the child’s soul. It’s about how to cross the street, how to dress, how to behave in society, what words to choose and etc. This is most clearly manifested during the spontaneous public gatherings, festivities, weddings and funerals. Baby souls are often the “pillars of society” – persistent and unwavering in their beliefs. They become mayors and sheriffs, presidents of parental committees, they can often be detect in educational institutions and bureaucratic organizations. When their beliefs run into objections, baby souls begin to experience inner turmoil. They are so confident in right that it’s hard for them to heed the arguments of the opposite side. Self-reflection is alien to this phase. Young soul Young souls already learned to survive on the physical plane, maintain order and behave in society. Now they begin to establish themselves in the image the power that souls of children seek. Youngest souls are the most focused on the physical side of life. They firmly identify yourself with your body and ego. It’s very difficult for such people to admit their physical age, often they resort to plastic surgery, to continue to look young and attractive. Young souls very skeptical of any phenomena that do not fit into framework of “scientific” views. They usually don’t get carried away by the mystical or religious experience beyond the measure adopted in society. They often find the idea of ​​life after death ridiculous and, as a result, they are afraid of death. These souls have the strongest motivation to succeed in their chosen field of activity and actively working for this. The ideal of a young soul is attractive, rich, successful man, which often show on television. The young soul believes that she is what does she own. She sees the world through the prism of polar opposites: “good – bad”, “right – wrong.” Young souls believe that those who disagree with them automatically are wrong and deserve reprimand, punishment and contempt. Often they addicted to politics. Young souls like Alexander of Macedon William the Conqueror or Genghis Khan, became the founders of the great empires. Our youthful aspect of the soul is part of our essence, which learned to make independent decisions. This aspect may carry out leadership functions, especially in areas related to physical plan. We take advantage of our youthful aspect when we take pull yourself together, discipline yourself and aim to achieve success. From the point of view of this aspect, “right” is that helps him achieve his goal, and “wrong” – that this interferes. This part of us is less emotional than children’s or mature. She is focused on achieving her goals and is self-centered. For people who refuse to accept their values, young souls often considered “strange.” A good example of the politics of young souls is the race weapons. Behind her is the philosophy of “If I don’t get ahead, me get ahead of others. “The problem of toxic waste, which poisoned the whole the globe – the result of the heyday of the civilization of young souls, who in the pursuit of success cares little for long-term consequences. Young souls are very productive, inventive and fully focused on specific goal. Moral and ethical issues in their field of vision how usually do not fall. Trying to “leave their mark on the earth,” young souls can show amazing performance. Moreover, they don’t always strive for what they really like – more often to what, in their opinion, will pave the way for them to succeed. They wish quickly learn how the world works to use these knowledge for the benefit of yourself. Some of these people possess innate ability to make the economic system “dance” under their own tune “and with apparent ease draw hundreds dollars in thousands, and millions in billions. Man being at the stage of a young soul, always wants to buy a more expensive car and settle in a more prestigious apartment, in a more expensive area cities. Since young souls are not distinguished by emotional openness, they rarely make good parents able to establish lasting contact with children. And still they will buy any thing, from their child’s favorite, from a doll in a stroller to exquisite french dresses. After all, a child can also serve as an indicator social position. Their children will be buried in toys, outfits, diplomas of various educational institutions, ride in expensive cars and flaunt trendy hairstyles. They will be prepare for a brilliant career, marriage, marriage. Children success will cast a glimpse into the life of their ambitious parents. The manifestation of feelings by children does not find encouragement from their parents – young souls. Young souls are inclined to adhere to generally accepted religious views, but devoid of the fanaticism inherent in to baby showers. They can be found in the church where they discuss business matters and make useful contacts, but hardly you will be able to see how they pray fervently or angrily condemn their neighbor for lack of piety. Young souls completely identify themselves with their bodies and do not believe that consciousness lives after death. Therefore they agree to freeze themselves in special chambers, perform plastic surgery on themselves, improving the shape of the nose, forehead, waist and hips. Thanks to their ability endanger your health and even life, endure pain and material costs for the sake of beauty, cosmetic medicine turned into a profitable business. At a young age, souls open craving for creativity, which reaches its peak in adulthood. The benefits of targeting the youthful aspect of your soul are that it gives us self-confidence and focuses on achievement of goals and success in relationships with people – in particular, career related. Older souls neglecting it aspect, they feel that there is a threat to their existence, and therefore, they begin to pay too much attention to the physical side of life. So that we can function normally on this planet, this aspect must be in balance with all the rest. Mature soul Mature soul figured out already questions of success and power and reached the point where it begins open to emotions. Mature souls are less selfish and more focus on others. But they do not open to the whole world in as a whole, and begin with relatives and friends, believing these relationships are more more important than success or career. Mature souls feel connected to others, identifying themselves with them and considering them as their own reflection. This quality gives mature souls an aura of sincerity, distinguishing them from other ages. The biggest offense for a mature souls – this is when they do something to her that she herself is different I wouldn’t. Mature souls are less warlike than young ones because they see those around them. Often, however, their life passes in emotional throwing and torment, as they try to open up emotionally. It is in mature souls that often there are cases of drug addiction, suicide and incurable debilitating diseases. Our mature aspect of the soul begins to evolve. after the youthful aspect reaches its peak of development. is he begins with the feeling that “it cannot be that life is here this was limited to. “Sometimes people find it necessary to oppress his youthful aspect of the soul, causing poverty in his life, tragic loss and disease. They do this in order to open their mature aspect. Usually, relationships characterized by great emotional intensity. For a mature and old soul this the period often begins in the third ten years of physical life. If we have reached the level of a mature or old soul, we can use your mature aspect as your part that contributes contribution to your relationship with others and with the planet. In number “others” may include close friends, relatives, colleagues, social or political organization and humanity as a whole. The value of the mature aspect of the soul is the full development of conscience, compassion and ability to maintain emotional connection, give and accept love. Those who neglect this aspect feel inferiority of their emotional sphere and seem arrogant, callous and alienated. A mature soul wants to be like everyone else and therefore, trying to understand others and be accepted in the team. The means of expressing this desire may be clothing, speech, manner behavior. From this point of view, the behavior of a mature soul is the development of the behavior of the child’s soul, since both of these types deal with collective consciousness. At the stage of a mature soul, creative abilities reach their peak. Philosophy and Art occupy the dominant places in life. Man is revealed illusory and perishable world, for him there is no longer a clear roads in life, he is not able to fully understand his own feelings. Nothing seems so unshakable as in the nursery and young phases. The popularity of the hippie movement in many countries testified that society came closer to the level adulthood of the soul and ended unconditional recognition values ​​of young souls. Remaining incomprehensible and not accepted in the environment young and children’s souls, mature souls are drawn to a society of their own kind. They usually aspire to higher education, but at the same time tend to small, non-traditional educational institutions. They have their own own priorities and authorities. To the surprise of their young brothers, they often refuse well-paid work or “honorable” position in society in order to implement something important only in their own eyes. Period maturity is marked by intense searches both in the inner world and in the external. Of particular interest are non-traditional creed, meditation, metaphysics, while horizons the outside world is expanding thanks to experiments with sex, exotic clothes and overseas cuisine. By the way, almost all world-class chefs are mature souls. As of how the planet moves to the dominance of mature perception, we we see how people become interested in emotional harmony on the planet as a whole. Along with acceptance of mature perception will appear spiritual consciousness and the ability of mature and old souls to manifest more freely upon reaching the corresponding ages of the soul. The old soul The old soul has already learned all the subtleties emotional life and turns its full attention to spiritual growth. Old souls learn to be detached from emotional intensity mature cycle and to the physical plan as a whole. They tend to more intellectual approach to existence than mature souls, they can perceive the Greater, of which we are all a part. Old souls need to complete their experience on the physical plane and work out all karma before proceeding with the lessons of the astral plane. The initial stages of the old soul are characterized by self-withdrawal, an internal search and a sense of one’s foreignness in society. how only this aspect is “open” and fully internally meaningful, the next stage begins, characterized by the question: “How am I to live in society? “For the old soul, this means finding ways self-expression in personal life and career that would correspond its internal purpose. In a society dominated by young soul, the old is not a wide enough range of roles. IN this society, they have a tendency to self-abasement, they They know that they do not comply with the “norm”, and for this reason they consider themselves losers. Old souls usually study the many religious teachings but eventually come to their own a belief system in which they integrate various aspects of the most different spiritual theories. The old aspect of the soul can rise above worldly bustle and get in touch with a larger sense of being. He is not identified with the tragedies of human existence, he is not “fixated” on them, he can look at himself from the side and evaluate yourself with humor. He cultivates philosophical estrangement, humor and non-identification, while at the same time keeping in touch with something Bigger. Old souls learn to go with the flow of life, not fight with her circumstances. Our old aspect of the soul is that part of us who agrees to educate others and help them move in their chosen directions of spiritual development. Most old the soul teaches by personal example. Along with teaching, they have there is the task of integrating and balancing all aspects of the soul, from infant to old, which they must decide to completion of existence on the physical plane. Last lesson for of the old soul – agape, or unconditional love for ourselves and to others. This is the hardest lesson because it involves self-forgiveness and the ability to love others so as to accept without judgment, their chosen paths. When all aspects of human beings are fully accepted, the old soul is ready to move to the next plane of existence. Among the old souls much less celebrities than among mature and young and if fame is still comes to them, how to teachers – old souls are called to teach people. Summary: the first five cycles of the physical plan Knowledge different ages of the soul means understanding that each of them performs its task. That’s why in every life they have the influence of representatives of a particular age of the soul and we get experience that allows us to recall the stages you have completed perceptions. You should not think that the older the soul, the more it “it’s better”. One must understand the value of each age (aspect) of the soul. Old souls often come across misunderstandings from the younger and find it difficult to communicate with them. Way out of this situation can be found if the old soul is aware of its responsibility for the experience she has gained and in dealing with young souls will learn to be tolerant of their point of view, will not try to “help them grow” or remake them. The understanding that we all have different age aspects, and knowledge of the value of each of them helps achieve balance. For example, when we see that our actions the children’s aspect of the soul rules, you can understand that this is happening out of fear of getting the situation out of control. It follows the conclusion that control leads to a more civilized society. If all in their actions were guided by the infant aspect of the soul, life would be uncivilized and reduced to a struggle for survival. If the children’s aspect would completely dominate, life would become structured and orderly, but would pass under the sign the constant fear of retribution from some power or authority. If everyone acted as young souls, much would be achieved on material level, but there would be fierce competition, and compassion would be absent. Mature Society aspects of souls, it would be very emotional, people would do what it seems fair to them, forgetting, however, common sense. If everyone was guided by the perception inherent in old souls, people were spiritual, but lazy and little capable of active work. For in order to begin to balance the various aspects in yourself, you need learn to distinguish between them first. Then you need to highlight their useful hand and weed out harmful, unnecessary qualities. After that it is necessary determine what functions in your life they can perform. Then we will be able to consciously activate these aspects and related functions in appropriate situations. For example, we can use your infant aspect of the soul in order to to feel your connection with the Earth, the seasons and those cycles which affect us. The childish aspect structures situations that could scare us. It can also be used to to politely communicate with others. You can use our young aspect where you need to succeed or fulfill the set task – for example, in a career or to increase self-esteem. Mature aspect allows us to feel emotionally open and associated with others. We can use it in order to understand others and sympathize with them. Old aspect we can use in your spiritual development in order to film tension and feel connected with something greater. For maximum The effectiveness of perception of the soul requires a balance of all aspects. Many are inclined to throw from one extreme to another. But man maintaining the balance of all aspects, will feel competent in all situations and will be able to communicate freely with representatives of all ages of the soul. The last two cycles can to experience on the physical plane, but they are not always subject to all his laws like the first five cycles. People Turning to Doctrine Michael, usually experiencing joy, learning the true reason for his differences from the bulk – the reason why they never managed to “keep up” with everyone. Michael’s explanations make it easier understanding why people are so different from each other and why some of us show no interest in “global” and “topical” problems. This Teaching aims to make life revealed to man in all its wealth, and not that we tried to put themselves above others. Younger souls don’t dumber and no worse than the old. Their lessons are about survival, ambition, structure and success, while the lessons of old souls relate to universal and emotional connections. Young souls – natural part of a whole. You certainly know that everything in the world interconnected? So, if you admit the thought of your own excellence, learn to be tolerant of everything else – otherwise, only sad melancholy awaits you. Transcendental soul The transcendent soul is a representative of the collective creatures who completed their studies on the physical plane and fragments of which are reunited on the astral plane. Representative (this is a rather complicated concept, which will be given due attention in our next editions) of this reunited “collective” are embodied again on the physical plan to tell your students (or rather students of their being) about the great interconnection of everything in the Universe, what she sees from higher plans. Transcendent souls can come from any of the higher planes: the astral, causal, mental, messianic or Buddhist. All collective beings send transcendent souls at least once in one of the parallel universes. Transcendent souls sometimes enter a newborn baby, but most often use the body of an old soul of the seventh level, who agreed to such a replacement. Usually they use the body for no more than three to four years – longer the physical body simply cannot withstand their intense energy. Sometimes they can be in the body for 10 or 20 years, but almost never do not live in it a lifetime. In transition periods, such as now, more transcendental souls are appearing. They are preparing the planet to the manifestation of the Infinite Soul. Examples of Transcendental Souls are Socrates, Zoroaster, Muhammad, Mahatma Gandhi, Paramahamsa Yogananda and St. Francis of Assisi. Transcendent souls are not always know about their nature. Unlike the Infinite Soul, transcendental souls are not necessarily endowed with “superhuman” qualities. They are mainly examples of balanced individuals who identify with the collective consciousness. Transcendental souls tend to see themselves as part of the human communities, not individuals going their own personal way. The Infinite Soul The Infinite Soul is a representative reunited frame. The manifestation of the Infinite Soul preserves Tao consciousness, entering the physical body. In other words, Infinite The soul knows about its nature, purpose and superhuman qualities. The Infinite Soul comes to teach and help planet during periods of transition to other age levels. Manifestation The Infinite Soul was Jesus Christ, who until his last years life was an old soul of the 7th level, in his role – the King. Therein the incarnation of the Infinite Soul helped the planet move from the cycle baby showers to the cycle of young showers. In the future, the Infinite Soul may translate into more than one individual to help transition from level of young souls to the collective consciousness of a mature soul. Other manifestations of the Infinite Soul in physical forms – this is Lao Tzu, Sri Krishna and Gautama Buddha. Seven levels of soul age Each age soul has seven consecutive units called levels. Level One This is the introductory level at which we experimenting with our new age. First level souls about two thirds of the time act from the position of their previous age. For example, if they are old souls of the first level then basically act as mature souls. Infant soul the first level maintains close contact with Tao. This is the start level growth. Second level The second level is difficult because we torn between the convenience of a previous age and opening perspectives of the new. Souls of the second level alternately manifest now at a new age for them, then again at the old. Towards the end of the second level we must completely weed out the habits and attachments of the old age. Third level When we reach the third level, we fully operate within the appropriate age, however our perception is inward. We peer at ourselves and trying to deal with those internal issues that are related with your new age. Souls of the third level are prone to self-contemplation and more calm than other souls. Fourth level On the fourth level we take out our new perception in world. At this level, we are active and visible. This is also the level the formation of karma on which we establish with the outside world relationships that can be big karmic intensity. The fourth level may look like the sixth: on fourth, we form karma, and on the sixth, we purify it. Fifth level The fifth level is eccentric. We begin look into our next age. Level 5 experience is possible liken to as if we climbed one of the peaks The Himalayas and saw before them the outlines of even higher peaks, to be conquered. At the fifth level, we lose stability and safety of habitual perception, we feel the urge prepare for a new field of activity. Level 5 Souls feel that they do not quite fit into the environment, and try find ways to control your eccentricity. More dense roles – Warriors, Kings and Scientists – try to pass this level as possible faster. Flowing Roles – Priests, Ministers, and especially Artisans and Wise Men – Can Learn to Enjoy of this level, as it gives them the opportunity to explore unusual side of his nature. Sixth level Sixth is one of the most active levels, because we complete karma on it, accumulated in this or in previous cycles. We are drawn to be in society, to meet those people with whom we exist unfinished relationship. Souls of the sixth level are mobile and not stay for a long time in one place, unless it is required their karma. At this level, we can be more sociable than characteristic of our essence as a whole, since we need make connections with the people we need. Sixth level mature soul – one of the most responsible levels. There is a danger on it lose awareness of the need to take care of themselves in the bustle of all our external relations. Toward the end of this level, we begin teach others what we know ourselves and prepare for the seventh level. Seventh level At the seventh level, we rest from stormy activities of the sixth and find the appropriate teaching methodology other people to what we ourselves have learned during the cycle. This is one of the most enjoyable levels, because we can distract from karmic intensity of the sixth level and learn to swim again the course of life. If we are a seventh-level young soul, we can start teaching people how to succeed. Mature soul level seven tends to give advice related to emotional sphere. The seventh-level old soul can transmit students the total amount of knowledge she has accumulated over all her life on the planet. One of the requirements required to complete an experiment on on the physical plane, the successful training of someone else. Entities may return as old souls of the seventh level as many times as you like, to until they decide to complete their cycle on the planet. Planetary Transition Although all ages of the soul are represented on this planet, most are young souls of the last levels and mature souls first levels. Many souls are already ripe in order to change your level of perception. As the transition progresses, many young souls will rise into the category of mature ones. When the planet will be populated in mostly mature souls, the transition will end. Milestone of this The transition was 1984. Then many entities agreed to go through reassessment of the Instinctive Center. This is the process that happens. every ten to twenty lives. It is that we examine your instinctive (subconscious) structures and our the entity makes decisions that will affect how in the future these structures will change. Instinctive revaluation carried out in 1984, many people on the planet will accelerate the planetary process transition in the coming years, when these structures will begin to appear. Harmonic Convergence * August 1987 became a watershed point in history. From that moment, the mature consciousness on the planet began become more influential than the consciousness of young souls, although in fact, there are no more mature souls than young souls. Average the age of the souls of earthlings will mature, according to some estimates, years through fifty. In the meantime, the planetary transition is in full swing. it a very interesting process, and many souls express a desire to be here on the physical plane and help the transition. This is one of the reasons fertility spike in recent decades. Another reason interest in these events is that the Infinite Soul, most likely to appear in the near future in order to guide the planet in its transition. Many open opportunities for spiritual growth, and many souls want to be here, to experience this growth. (See Kryon for more on this.) The planetary transition of mankind from young to adulthood is associated with the astrological transition of the Earth from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius (New Era) and with earthly disasters that are predicted by many prophets and psychics. Since the Earth is still young souls prevail, the main cultures are built on their values. Young souls value success and competence above emotionality and spirituality. They see the world in terms of “black – white”, “good – evil “,” right – wrong. “This mentality is easy. trace in existing political systems. Television and other media also support young people’s consciousness shower. Since people are strongly influenced by parents and society, more it’s hard for old souls to manifest, and they often get stuck in the early levels of his age. Those young souls of the highest levels who approaching adulthood, torn between statement own correctness and recognition of full value and adequacy other people. Therefore, the transition is quite painful. People learn to open up emotionally and get rid of the old desire for power and the principle of “who is stronger, he is right.” These changes will be reflected in changes in government and economic structures, basic values ​​of humanity, social and family relationship. Mature souls interact in groups and do not aspire to establishing a dictatorship, therefore governments and mature economies souls will be built on the principles of self-government, and not on the old hierarchical schemes. Not only young souls pass to the mature age: all souls “grow up.” So infant souls will be go into the category of children’s, and those territories that are now populated mainly by infant souls, will civilize and Organize into more structured communities. Baby showers will move on to the level of young, and structured societies will become more independent, productive and materialistic. It will be easier for today’s mature souls to live, so how their approach to life will become more respected on Earth. Some mature souls will move into the old class, where they learn not to become attached to the physical plane and begin to transfer their knowledge to others. Now, at the end of the century, infant souls are already practically do not appear on the planet. Old souls ending their cycle on physically, they leave Earth, giving way to those who follow them. At a certain stage, apparently several centuries later, humanity will be openly in contact with alien intelligent creatures. So far, aliens are in contact only with certain individuals and organizations, and these relationships have an unofficial character. Near the end of the cycle, the planet will be populated mainly old souls, and their consciousness will dominate. Attitude to life will be generally metaphysical in nature. People will learn use the abilities that are now not common and are suppressed in childhood. Before the planet leaves the last old soul, no less than 6,000 years will pass. That’s pretty a short time, given that the first infant soul appeared on Earth more than 6 million years ago. In spiritual development humanity is seeing a geometric progression, since the influence of old souls on the young is extremely strong. When the last man will end his existence on the physical plane, human use of this planet will cease. She can use other sentient beings – evolved here or “seeded” from other planets.

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