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In November 1868 a rather unusual litigation took place in London the trial. The lawsuit brought by the captain was considered American ship Dreadnought insurance company Lloyd. The captain demanded a huge sum of 12,000 marks at that time, so that recover damages (2,000 tons of tea were spoiled) that occurred due to an unexpected accident.
Living ram of the seas
Following to London from Colombo, the Dreadnought sailors contrived catch a swordfish, or swordfish, on a hook. Trying to break free an angry captive attacked the sailboat and shot in its hull, sheathed in copper, the hole is about 2.5 centimeters in diameter. From a powerful ram rams the ship shuddered; steering, unable to hold on legs, fell to the deck.
When the sailors descended into the hold, they found that the fish managed pull your sword from the side and through the resulting hole in the room receives water. Due to a serious leak, the Dreadnought had to get into the dock for repairs. The incident was so unusual that surprised even seasoned sailors.
A photo from open sources
… Among the exhibits of the London Museum of the Surgical College there is a fragment of the bow of the whaling vessel, noteworthy the fact that the 34-centimeter layer of wood is pierced by a bone “weapon” giant fish. In diameter, her sword reached 4 centimeters. IN The British Museum holds a piece of oak upholstered in cardboard and copper frames, also pierced through by warlike fish. Apparently first, the upper jaw pierced and broke off, and then – lower, shorter and more pointed.
The stunning power of a living ram
Swordfish attacks on ships happen in our time. So in 1971 yacht “Redhod” hunted for a swordfish off the coast Massachusetts, however, instead of a trophy received a hole from a fish and went to the bottom.
In the same year, the English ship Queensberry was thrown overboard part of the load, so as not to sink from the hole of a swordsman who drove your “weapon” to a 75-cm depth! ..
A photo from open sources
One of the last attacks occurred in 1982. Swordfish with furiously attacked the boat of Japanese fishermen. The ship is dead despite all the efforts of the crew.
Outstanding Russian shipbuilder, mechanic and mathematician A.N. Krylov made calculations and found out: in order to develop such a huge piercing power, the swordfish must swim at a speed of 90-110 kilometers per hour. And the force of her blow at the end of the sword is 15 times exceeds the impact force of the largest two-handed sledgehammer! ..
How does the fish organism withstand this?
The swordfish is characterized by very strong muscles of the body, which even the ax cuts with great difficulty. At the same time her cartilaginous intervertebral discs play the role of shock absorbers. But most of all soften the colossal power of the ram allows the sword itself, reminiscent of its structure is a bee sting. Inside it there are cavities that filled with fat and when compressed, noticeably “quench” the blow. Essentially a sword is nature’s perfect “multi-stage shock absorber “!
The swordfish body has a cigar-shaped, perfectly streamlined shape. The crescent tail is a powerful mover, and the heart is a tireless motor that continues to work for a long time even pierced by a harpoon. It can be said without exaggeration that swordfish is one of the most resilient and fastest inhabitants “blue continent.”
A photo from open sources
It is a known fact that a caught swordfish dragged more than 10 miles for a boat with the engine on. This amazing fish can in rush for several hours at an incredible speed, making while giant jumps above water (up to 8 meters high). once during sweeping, the swordfish rushed in pain so that it jumped over small boat.
The object of attack of these amazing creatures are not only surface ships. So, in 1967. swordfish attacked american Alvin Research Submarine Woods Hall Oceanographic Institute. It happened in the depths 610 meters on the submarine plateau Blake, east of Florida.
A similar case occurred in 1969. with underwater vehicle “Ben Franklin “at a depth of 282 meters in the waters of the Gulf Stream. He also the lightweight case was damaged.
Amazing sea creature
Swordfish hatches from eggs no larger than pin heads, however, it grows so fast that in a year it reaches 3 meters in length and weighs more than 200 kilograms. Adults having 5 meters long, weigh up to 850 kilograms. These “living battering rams are everywhere except the polar seas.
A photo from open sources
Catching a swordfish for a fisherman is like defeating royal tiger for the hunter. This is the highest sportsmanship. Sicilian fishermen, for example, believe that when catching swordfish should sing and speak Greek, then she will approach the boat. However, it is worth saying at least the only Italian word – and the fish will hide in the depths.
It has been established that the swordfish most often attacks those who attack it. hunting (see video below). And that’s why his attack subjected to “peaceful” court, still remains unanswered. Perhaps someday the swordfish will reveal to us this secret too …
Water Fish Time