The amazing story of a man starving 382 of the day

The amazing story of a man starving 382 daysPhoto from open sources

Fasting for a whole year seems completely unrealistic and often considered a kind of urban legend, but in fact in fact, this is possible. Proof of this is confirmed the luminaries of medicine the story of Angus Barbieri from the Scottish city Teyporta.

In June 1965, a 27-year-old man at that time decided to go on such a radical step in a desperate attempt to lose weight and Become more attractive. The Briton not only survived 382-day hunger strike, but also may have maintained health, although not everything is so simple here.

According to doctors from Dundee Medical University, starting his extreme test, our hero weighed 207 kilograms, and after a year and 17 days its weight was only 81 kilogram and remained at approximately this level for 5 years. Angus deservedly got into the Guinness Book of Records, and his the achievement so far has not been officially beaten by anyone. Doctors they were afraid that Barbieri would not withstand such a load, but their fears were not confirmed.

A photo from open sources

During his hunger strike, the Scot did not eat anything, but only drank water with the addition of potassium, sodium, vitamins, yeast and others necessary for the normal functioning of the body elements. Doctors who closely monitored the condition of the man reported that in great need, he went once every 37-48 days. Angus constantly handed over blood and urine tests, and, with the exception of expected hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), his health indicators were quite normal.

When Barbieri completed his test, he, in his own statement, I did not remember the taste of any food. Following recommendations of doctors, the Scot first used one and only boiled egg. Solemnly ending his with a meal, our hero then declared that he was full with all his heart.

Alas, the sad news is that the man died only 51 years old. The exact reason for this premature care unknown, but rumor has it that at the end of her life Barbieri suffered from heart problems, and it critically failed him in her far from old age. Many modern doctors are inclined to believe that it was record long starvation that undermined health Angus.


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