A photo from open sources
World Health Organization experts report that on the planet there are about thirty seven million absolutely blind people and over one hundred twenty-four million people with poor vision Every minute on Earth a child goes blind and every five seconds – adult.
Needless to say, each of these people would give a lot for to see the world in all its splendor again. However are, not afraid of this definition, abnormal individuals, who dream of getting rid of an invaluable organ of vision.
Thirty-year-old Jewel Shooping, living in an American city Fayetteville, from childhood dreamed of being blind. Being a girl, she looked at the sun for a long time, wanting to stop seeing. At nineteen years, psychiatrists have diagnosed an American with a so-called violation body integrity identity. This is a very rare mental a disease in which healthy people do their best to become disabled people. Victims of this disorder are eager to break their legs and hands subject themselves to loud noise to deafen or, as in case with Shooping, seek to damage their own eyes. Fortunately, the disease is very rare and occurs in one person from several tens of millions.
At eighteen, Jewel learned the Braille for the blind, and at twenty – she began to walk in glasses for the blind and with a cane. Doctors tried hard to prove to the woman that she is healthy and well sees that deprivation of the visual organ will make her inferior a member of society, however, Shuping did not think to stop on the way to the “cherished goal.” At a certain point she was tired of portraying from blind herself, and she found a psychologist who agreed to help her in the most commonplace way. The doctor instilled in the patient’s eyes a household solvent, and she was blinded in torment. The woman had to be delivered to hospital, where doctors tried against the will of a madwoman to save her eyesight, but nothing came of it.
Jewel is completely blind now. However, she assures that feels great and enjoys with might and main the life about which always dreamed. The psychologist who voluntarily blinded the patient and having lost a license for this, he will soon appear in court.
It turns out that in all this incredible story (just a theater absurdity!) it remains only to regret it? ..
A life