The ancient city of the Etruscans – Civita di Bagnoregio

The ancient city of the Etruscans - Civita di BagnoregioPhoto from open sources

This Italian city is notable primarily because was laid back in ancient times, when in this area Etruscans dominated, well-versed in every way “strong and healthy” life. And so a city appeared on a high hill, from where a magnificent view of the surrounding area opened, which created a kind of harmony between aesthetics and safety.

A photo from open sources

Moreover, the location of the city of Civita di Bagnoregio was convenient and geographically, since he was standing very close to the capital of Italy. Rome is only two hours away from here today. auto, I think, in antiquity on a horse this path was also overcome easy and fast.

Until the 17th century, Civita flourished, but then this the terrain shook seriously, making the hill on which amazing city, dipped, its edges collapsed, and buildings literally began to slide down and fall off a cliff.

A photo from open sources

Regular landslides due to rains completed their job, and the city gradually began to die out. When it became clear to most residents that it’s just dangerous to stay on the hill, people began to leave en masse him, reaching into neighboring villages. And Civita was gradually empty. Finally, the city authorities, the head of the local church, also left this “sinking ship.”

Allegedly dying Civita di Bagnoregio is more alive than all living

However, Civita di Bagnoregio, oddly enough, is alive still, although it is called the city of extinct, a dying city and everything like that. But the courtyard is already the 21st century, and here still a rather intense flow of tourists rushes in. What are they find in this shadow of the former chic life:

  • firstly, Civita is one of the most striking sights this area of ​​Italy;
  • secondly, getting to Civita is not difficult at all and not for long;
  • finally, in this unique place you can enjoy a walk around the ancient “dead” city, sit in a cozy cafe, buy simple souvenirs and even spend the night in a local hotel.

A photo from open sources

True, the city itself will have to get on a long and narrow a pedestrian bridge (today quite civilized), but the game, as they say, it’s worth the candle, because outside this small adventure – the real Middle Ages, as if revived for your sake or recreated by the mastery of cinema. But no skill in in this case is not required – the time untouched by civilization itself has kept everything in its original form. Is it still local residents who never want to leave the mysterious and magnificent city on a hill.

A photo from open sources

However, it is worth noting that the hill on which Civita is located di Bagnoregio, continues to slide, settle, that is – to collapse. For this reason, if you want to spend the night in the hotel here, then you will definitely need to read the instructions on how to conduct yourself in case of unexpected ground movements.

A photo from open sources

Such a danger exists, but it does not stop tourists, who claim that after all the impressions that remain from what you see day or night in such a hotel dreams just fabulous dreams that take you back centuries where you once lived in your past incarnations.

Do not believe? But local guides claim that in a dying the city of Civita di Bagnoregio rush primarily those who once lived and completed the earthly journey here, and that such people are ready to overcome any distances and difficulties to visit this fantastic location. And if after reading this sketch about the “city of the dead” (and watching a great video about it) also pull to Civita, it is possible that you were once an Etruscan and lived on the Apennine peninsula in ancient times, because this the city – almost two and a half millennia …

A life

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