The Australian is pregnant with a two-headed child. Video

The Australian is pregnant with a two-headed child. VideoA photo from open sources

In the entire history, only 35 cases were recorded when children with two faces were born Doctors told Rene and Simon Howie from Sydney is scary news: their unborn girls will have two faces and two brains. And there’s only one skull. Doctors advise a mother who already has seven children immediately have an abortion, since a child with such a defect will not live even two days. But Rene is against, reports MSN. “My husband and I decided in no way case do not interrupt the pregnancy, “said the mother with many children. Rene says she’s fundamentally against killing, even if birth the baby will doom him and their entire family to suffering. Simon, Rene’s husband, I agree with her. “Killing an inferior child is even worse than abandon a baby with autism, “said the Australian. He wants to meet his future daughter, even if he is disastrously little time is released. “If we only have two of the day, well, then so be it, “- says Rene courageously Howie Her daughters agree with her. “We will love our sister, no matter what, “says Patsy Ann and Jesse Howie. For all the story was recorded only 35 cases where children with two faces were born. The last baby with such a defect born in 2008 in india. None of them survived.

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