A photo from open sources
The Arctic, which until the end of the 19th century remained useless to anyone snowy desert, at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth century suddenly acquires some mystical appeal, and in XX century becomes the territories of the real struggle for possession territory of the snow kingdom.
Of course, it was in the last century that scientists discovered here a quarter of the world’s hydrocarbon reserves, which made the Arctic even more attractive to great powers however in the beginning of the last century about oil and gas on the shelves of the northern seas no one even I knew. Why, then, did the real race for conquering the possessions of the Snow Queen?
And who are the members of the secret society of Thule? Why are they so are interested in the Arctic at the beginning of the last century, and later – their successors – Nazis of Nazi Germany?
About this and many other secrets of history related to the Arctic, Watch the documentary “Battle for the Snowy Kingdom”.
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