Photo from open sources
American ocean researchers studying the seabed at coast of California, the other day accidentally came across a truly amazing creature. We are talking about an unusual squid lilac coloring, which struck scientists with his huge eyes.
Specialists aboard the Nautilus research boat, unexpectedly discovered at a depth of nine hundred meters a magnifier squid, came in a real delight. Creation, they said, looks like a cartoon character or a baby stuffed toy that dropped into the ocean.
First, experts put forward the assumption that this is a kind of a variety of cuttlefish, however a more detailed inspection of the marine the inhabitant showed that the animal belongs to the species of short squid Rossia pacifica.
These cephalopods are found in the North Pacific – from southern California to Japan, from the Bering Sea to Korean peninsula. Residents of the Land of the Rising Sun, by the way, willingly eat them as food.
Squid Rossia pacifica – excellent camouflage. Hunting for crustaceans, they tend to bury almost completely in sand, leaving only eyes on the surface to track prey. The same ability is used by them to effectively hide from potential enemies.
Surprisingly, the unique mollusk did not clog when it appeared filming equipment into the sandy bottom, and continued indestructibly “stand” in place, hypnotizing scientists with their magnetic look.