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Four years ago, the scientific world was shocked by a sensation: they were discovered two new blood types, called “Langeris” and Junior And this means that in the world evolution continues at the level of blood groups. Moreover, researchers from Vermont University, where, in fact, were discovered “Langeris” and “Junior”, claimed that soon there would be at least fifteen groups of human blood.
Human blood groups – what is it?
We all know from school that blood carries through the body. human nutrients and oxygen, delivering them to cells, and simultaneously takes away everything that needs to be thrown out of the body. However blood is a much more complex formation than just the carrier of the necessary cells of substances and a decay products eliminator. So, by analysis one drop of blood modern medicine is able to determine not not only all the hidden diseases of a person, but also his psycho-emotional state. Some researchers even hypothesize that that blood has reason!
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Blood types were discovered (like the Rh factor) in 1940 Karl Landsteiner, however why people have different groups, until still remains a mystery. There are many theories of the origin of blood types, however, over time, even the most compelling of them (first there was only one first group, and then during the evolution of steel new ones appear) collapse like a house of cards. So, German scientists made the discovery that the oldest group of human blood is the fourth (a group of primitive man), and not the first. Today, its carriers make up only three percent of the world’s population. But new groups appear …
Some scientists generally attribute the negative Rh factor extraterrestrial civilizations, which, according to ufologists, seriously worked on the human genome and still easy and almost imperceptibly for us interfere in the process of conception. As an example we can cite a very recent case when the American Stephanie Jegers found out about her pregnancy an hour before giving birth – a fantasy, and only!
Human blood has memory and is a vehicle of miraculous phenomena
Everyone who studies the paranormal, knows perfectly well that places where violently and abundantly spilled human blood become dangerous for living and even temporary presence of living people in them. Among the people there believe that ruined souls come back here and grains of grain collect something important (informational) that remains on earth from spilled blood. You can recall the saying about this in the Bible: the soul of every body is his blood. It turns out that blood – the first principle of man, his soul, manifested in the physical body. Not accidentally, many religions prohibit blood transfusion for fear mixing souls, split personality and sharing through this action dark forces.
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You can recall the famous Grail – collected by Joseph Arimathea blood from the wounds of Jesus Christ crucified on the cross. The Holy Grail is believed to endow a mere mortal unprecedented power and unprecedented opportunities. And although this bowl no one in our time has found and investigated, mankind has evidence of the amazing properties of the blood of saints.
We all know that outside the body, blood coagulates, and the reverse the process is simply impossible. However in the cathedral of naples for seventeen centuries a vessel with the blood of the great martyr Januarius has been kept. Every year on September 19th (the day of the saint’s death) this dry mass suddenly comes to life again turning into red blood, and sometimes even boils, thereby strengthening the faith of Christians in resurrection and healing them from many ailments.
A photo from open sources
And what about bleeding icons – a phenomenon quite frequent and ubiquitous in the Christian world? How is it all explain from the point of view of our orthodox science? ..
M.S.Norbekov about the amazing properties of blood
Head of the Institute for Human Self-Healing, spiritual leader and honored scientist M.S. Norbekov proves that blood person has a special enzyme – acetylcholinesterase, on which, like on a flash drive (the comparison, of course, is rude), everything that a person thinks, experiences, feels, is recorded. Thanks to this, assures Mirzakarim Sanakulovich, it is possible program yourself to recover from any disease, even cancer, as well as healing and rejuvenating the body in whole.
It is enough to give the necessary command – and this enzyme will gain healing properties and will carry the necessary information to the diseased organ or to all cells of the body as a whole, making them work, for example, in anti-aging mode. In their books, which have long been became bestsellers, Norbekov describes in detail the mechanism controls his own body and almost everywhere emphasizes that an ordinary person is not able to control neither thoughts nor feelings. Therefore, he has one way of influencing, say, the same blood is a muscle corset (read more in the article “What is a muscle corset”).
In conclusion, we note: scientists have long proved that young blood, transfused with man, rejuvenates his body, healthy – capable fight even incurable diseases. No coincidence in all witchcraft rituals designed to restore youth are used blood of infants, boys or girls. By the way, the young blood in these often used in modern medical facilities. Here are just the doctors (unlike sorcerers who knew how to block unnecessary information) are often faced with the fact that, in addition to rejuvenation or recovery, a person also gets traits the nature of his donor, his habits, and sometimes even happens split personality…
Time Evolution