The Briton called an ambulance, confusing the statue with man

The British summonedA photo from open sources

Severe frosts and snowfall that hit the UK, caused not only tragic, but also comical situations bordering on something transcendental. For example, the british of the city of Newcastle-under-Lyme called an ambulance, believing that a girl was frozen on a bench, although in reality it was a statue made of metal.

This was reported by health worker Katie Tudor. By her According to the citizens, it was not only hands that started to freeze from the cold legs, but also brains. At the same time, she explained, ambulance workers are obliged in any case to respond to a call, even if they suspect that he is false naive, because on a bench next to the statue could be a really freezing person.

Let’s clarify that the statue (see photo) depicting the one sitting on a bench a girl with a letter in his hand was installed in a city park Newcastle-under-Lyme in 2014, in time for the 100th anniversary of the First World War II. The composition depicts a tragic situation when a woman receives a notification of the death of her lover.

It is surprising that not all citizens know that this is a statue (and not living person) “perched” on the bench, and her stillness due not to bad weather, but too “long waiting” his man who died at the front.

However, on the Internet, where Katie Tudor’s confession appeared, apparently with a view to more attentive to the challenges of the ambulance help, “there were jokers. One of them advised medical workers also check the top of the column on Trafalgar square, because he allegedly also noticed there some kind of stagnant guy (a famous monument to Admiral Nilson, installed in London).

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