A photo from open sources As you know, in Spain before each bullfighting is organized mass “madness” – a race of bulls, when these ferocious animals are driven through the streets, and everyone who wants to get a surge of adrenaline in the blood, run ahead of this herd, hoping in right moment to jump over the fence.
A photo from open sources
However, this is not always possible, for this reason in the streets of Spain bloody scenes during which they are injured and even die thrill lovers from around the world.
A photo from open sources
So twenty-year-old US resident Benjamin Miller decided the other day get a surge of adrenaline, but he was less fortunate than many other participants in this bull race.
A photo from open sources
Fortunately, the guy is still alive, but he will have a long time restore your health, namely to heal received injuries to the back and hips.
A photo from open sources
But, as it turns out, you can face terrible bullfights horns of a bull even being a simple spectator of this cruel and dangerous “entertainment”.