The canadian fell off the horse and spoke with an accent ancestors

A Canadian fell from a horse and spoke with an ancestral accent.A photo from open sources

50-year-old Sharon Campbell Ration from Canada, being a mother two children, was formerly an avid rider. However in 2008 with she had an accident: a woman fell from a horse and lost consciousness. When the Canadian woke up, she was silent for several days, and then she suddenly started talking to a real Scottish accent using, among other things, those adopted in this language turns of speech.

The most amazing thing is that Sharon has never been to Scotland and never showed interest in neither the Gaelic language nor the Scottish dialect English. Surprised doctors examined the victim and she was diagnosed with a “foreign accent syndrome”, noted before this medicine only 59 inhabitants of the planet. Science is still not may explain the reason for this condition. Maybe it’s all the fault genetic memory and these unexpected language skills have gone Campbell Ration from the ancestors. More than a century ago, the relatives of a woman really came to Canada from Scotland.

A photo from open sources

Our heroine considered the incident a sign from above and decided that you need to change something in your life. She refused henceforth horse riding and went with her husband to the United Kingdom to carefully study there the history of their own family. And returning home, Sharon began to help compatriots, having suffered, like her, a head injury. According to Campbell Ration, even if such a person does not have physical symptoms of some deviations, his life can still endure significant changes. And you just need to use them with greater benefit for the victim …

A life

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