A photo from open sources
A resident of the Chinese capital, Du Hong, who is little known a writer, she handed over to the scientists her brain to be exposed cryonics – keeping in a state of deep cooling with using liquid nitrogen. Fatally ill Chinese woman hoped that in the future our civilization will learn to restore frozen central parts of the nervous system of people and supply them new healthy cells.
Such a procedure is not cheap – about a hundred and twenty thousand dollars. The descendants of the now deceased woman sold her house and all things to collect the right amount and fulfill the last will relatives Du Hong became the first Chinese woman in the world People’s Republic, decided on cryopreservation. Pensioner she said that she had nothing to lose – if in the future she really come alive, then it will be perfect. If not, nothing terrible, almost all the inhabitants of the planet do without it.
In Beijing, a woman’s brain was already immersed in liquid nitrogen and sent to the United States, where the body will be securely stored in special center of cryonics. This is reported by the daughter Writer Zhang Syyao, Specialist in Cellular and genetic engineering. By the way, she advised her mother resort to a similar procedure of “return from the other world.”
It is worth noting that at the moment, science is not capable restore deep organic tissues freezing. Some scholars believe that, in the future, perhaps such technologies will appear to humanity, however, there are no guarantees in in this case no. Therefore, cryogenic freezing is pure lottery – either you will someday be revived, or not. However, this does not stop people from clutching at this straw of possible salvation from irrevocable death – oneself or ones loved ones.