A photo from open sources
We offer skeptics contesting what the CIA could put your hand to the death of Hugo Chavez from cancer, look at the device in the video below. This is a dart gun developed in 1970s (and possibly earlier) commissioned by the CIA. In the video, weapons described as causing a heart attack. Cancer in it is not mentioned. However, we know that the CIA used the former President of the American Cancer Society Alton Oshner to host secret cancer research for agency needs.
And this, of course, is more than a mere coincidence that a significant number of South American leaders died precisely from cancer. Here’s what the experts write about it: This case would fit well The X-Files and other conspiracy theorists when Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez remarked that the US may have found a way to turn cancer into a weapon, after several leaders Latin America was diagnosed with this. The list includes former Argentinean president Nestor Kirchner (intestinal cancer), Brazilian President Dilmo Rousseff (lymphoma), former president of Cuba Fidel Castro (stomach cancer), Bolivian President Evo Morales (cancer nasopharynx) and the President of Paraguay Fernando Lugo (again lymphoma). Let us ask ourselves a question – what unites them all, except cancer the diagnosis? They are all leaders of the left wing. Coincidence? List additional victims may include pan-Africanist Kwame Touré, Jamaican reggae musician Bob Marley and Prime Minister Dominican Republic Rosier Douglas. And remember Jack Ruby, who shot Lee Harvey Oswald. Ruby died of lung cancer in 1967 year. “What was strange was that the cancer cells in his the body was not of the type that usually originates in the respiratory system, “experts write.” He assured his family that he was introduced cancer cells in prison when they were treated with cold injections. A he died because he had to appear before the testimony US Congress. “And if you think that governments don’t involve yourself into the murder of your critics and opponents, remember the murder Alexander Litvinenko, former officer of the Russian Federal security service who died in London from poisoning polonium-210. It is widely believed that Litvinenko, who he sought political asylum, he was killed precisely by Russian by the government. Communists are known for their murders of dissidents with using the “Bulgarian umbrella” – a pneumatic device that shot tiny poisonous capsules containing ricin. Wide It is widely believed that the Bulgarian writer and dissident George Markov was killed in London in 1978 with these weapons. It also allegedly involved in an unsuccessful attempt elimination of the Bulgarian journalist Vladimir Kostov in Paris. The Bulgarian Secret Service is said to have worked in tandem with Soviet KGB for the murder of dissidents.
Oncology USA