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Insulting parents is to some extent equated to insulting saints. If a person insults his father, he will have difficulties in occupying a high position in society. It does not matter if his father is a fallen person or not; in any in case someone considers his father a bad person, then he will have to experience difficulties in his career, in addition, he may develop various intractable diseases, poor digestion and weak immunity. In the horoscope and fate of man, the planet Sun personifies the father, and if a person treats his father badly, he loses good contact with this planet. In the sunshine there is special, extremely subtle energy that cannot be fixed modern appliances. In the Vedas, it is called supreme tejas. If man behaves correctly, then this energy brings him respect in society, gives good health, good digestion and strong immunity. If he behaves badly, then this energy is all listed destroys. So that person will suffer in that the extent to which he criticizes his father. Why not criticize father even if he is completely down personality? The soul does not choose a father. The soul is attracted to a certain family only because it has similarities with these people fate and a similar taste for happiness. The soul does not choose; similarity of taste to happily acts like a magnet, and this process itself does not lend itself no control. Criticizing his mother, a person is deprived of peace, vitality, good sleep. Criticizing mother, young man loses the opportunity to get a good wife, just as criticizing father, the woman is deprived of the opportunity to get a good husband. IN horoscope of human fate the planet Moon represents the mother, and if the person treats the mother badly, then loses good contact with this planet. The subtle power that the moon radiates is called the highest ojas. This power can bring a person either constant pacification, or, conversely, constant anxiety. If a person nevertheless criticizes his parents or elders, he need to ask them for forgiveness. Even if they really behave ignorantly, then he must ask for forgiveness – let not aloud, but in the mind. Holy man needs to ask for forgiveness aloud. If a person does not know who to ask for forgiveness from, then he must pray and ask for forgiveness from everyone. If a person insults peers, for example, friends and comrades who are badly brought up, then in this case you need to ask for forgiveness in the mind and when meeting with them Be nice, as if nothing had happened. If his friends are pious people, you must definitely apologize aloud. In general, insulting equal people is considered less sinful act. For this, a person suffers, but not so much. Ask forgiveness is a very big austerity, but it makes a person really attractive. The great sage Canakya Pandita said: “The beauty of the cuckoo is in her singing, the beauty of the woman is in her pure devotion to her husband, the beauty of a freak is in his teaching, and beauty ascetic – in his ability to forgive. ”
Moon sun