The construction of the Egyptian pyramids was carried out with the help of sound, but for some reason not a word about it in textbooks

The construction of the Egyptian pyramids was carried out with the help of sound, but for some reason there is not a word about this in textbooksA photo from open sources

In written sources (and there are a lot of them, especially in languages, say, ancient Chinese, which is very difficult to decipher) indicated that the same ancient Egyptians, like many other peoples The lands of that period, during the construction trust of the pyramids and other colossal structures used sound. However, in all modern textbooks still describe primitive technology construction with the help of numerous slaves, ropes, blocks, and etc.

A photo from open sources

Maybe all this is because there is no reliable evidence that with with the help of sound you can do such miracles, that is, overcome gravity. It turns out that nothing happened, sound levitation is still in the thirties of the last century he watched in Tibet, Henry Kielson – aircraft engineer from Sweden. He not only described in detail how Tibetan monks with trumpets and drums, as well as choral chants stone blocks about 2 meters in diameter were easily lifted to a height of 400 meters, where the temple was built (“pebbles” themselves took off uphill), but also, as a scientist, described in detail the whole process to the smallest details (how many people were, how they stood, what they sang, the distance between all points and participants in this process, as well as much more).

Striking in this description were the numbers that are multiples of “PI”, the proportions of the “golden section”, etc., but the main thing is the scientist himself I watched this amazing process, similar to science fiction. how remarked then Henry Kjelson, there can be no doubt that and all other ancient civilizations knew and were able to use sound levitation. No wonder the Mayan Indians, having reached unprecedented heights in the construction of various temples, buildings, roads and irrigation facilities, did not know the wheel: and he was simply not need …

A photo from open sources

But almost another century has passed since the description of the sound Kjelson’s levitation, and schoolchildren and students are still cramming modern textbooks that the ancient Egyptians, like other people of that period, built pyramids and temples almost lurking on themselves heavy blocks. And in the event that the “pebble” was generally unapproachable, for example, a megalithic stone block in Baalbeke, then here comes into play or silence, or juggling facts.

A photo from open sources

But maybe the description of the sound levitation of Henry Kjelson turned out to be doubtful or even unreliable? And that is not true. Physicists today already many countries, including Russia, have proven empirically that this is quite possible (see video below). Moreover, Japanese scientists at the University of Tokyo, Yoon Rekimoto, Takayuki Hoshi and Yoichi Ochiei showed the world how sound waves can move various small things in space, for example, children’s cubes, and promised that in the near future they could to manipulate in this way objects of any mass and weight. This NASA experts have become interested in technology, and not only they are…

And in modern textbooks, pyramids are still “under construction” with hundreds of thousands of armies of slaves almost by hand, although this is impossible even in terms of logic. Miracles and only, and do not follow them for distant lands in the distant kingdom …

Egypt Levitation Pyramids Russia

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