The Council on Foreign Relations reveals how World Government may be created in 2013.

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Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), established in 1921 year, the global elite, unveiled a list of problems that, according to the organization’s opinion needs to be overcome in order to establish a global government in 2013. Council on Foreign Relations summarized the views of four globalists from around the world about which changes in the world should precede the formation of a world government in 2013. Richard N. Haas – President, Council for international relations (2012). Bilderberg Club (2005) Jan Zemian Jiemian – Member of the Trilateral Commission (2010) Igor Jurgens – Chairman of the Board, Institute of Contemporary Development, Russia (2012) Michael Fulilov (Fullilove) – executive director Lowe Institute for International Affairs (2012) Surprisingly, these representatives of the global elite argue that the emergence of a global governments will not happen if the next seven “problems” are not overcome in 2013. 1) The world needs to create a common system responsibility for the most intractable problems in our post-unipolar world. Thus, in order to world government, has become a reality, China must play more active role as a global force. Photo from open sources 2) To establish the World Governments, it is important to strengthen institutions such as United Nations, World Trade Organization, International Monetary Fund and G20. 3) The main centers of power should attract less visible countries so that both large and small players in the global political landscape could contribute implementation of the principle of “network management”. In fact, the key to the creation of the World Government in 2013 for all countries is introduction of a new mentality and functioning mechanisms. 4) On at the global level, trade should be more regulated. IN 2013 year, the issue of state subsidies should be decided on globally, not regionally or bilaterally. 5)The world should begin to make efforts at the regional level within common action global agenda. Discouraged by a dead end global management systems, many countries and regions now time turn to regional and subregional integration that explains why we see more and more regional and subregional free trade agreements. Photo from open sources If this trend is not canceled timely, there will be no world government in his real sense. 6) The Internet should be more regulated. It is believed that governments should promote “conservation” free flow of information on the Internet, and limit the amount cyber aggression. 7) The deterioration of the political situation in the Middle The East has challenged the principles of world government. Moreover, inability of the international community to cope of this region could undermine the idea of ​​creating a global government. This plan for creating a global government published by the Council on Foreign Relations at a time when political leaders in the world begin to “warm up” interest in world government. Recently President of the European Council announced the desire of the European Union to contribute to development world government together with Russia. Herman Van Rompuy on The 30th EU-Russia summit said: “By working together, the EU and Russia can make a decisive contribution to global governance and settlement regional conflicts … “. Encouraging the creation of the World governments by institutions such as the Council on International relations, the European Union and the Vatican are alarming signs of what the world has been afraid of for many years, and what can happen in 2013 year. Message Council on Foreign Relations Reveals How World Government Can Be Achieved in 2013 by Andrew Puhanik

Russia time

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