Under no circumstances should you take biometrics UEC passport, since the equipment at the point of receipt of applications will be apply forever and invisible ray tracing on the forehead or arm in as a barcode. The barcode contains an identification number. (ID-number) while transverse thin lines, standing at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the code should indicate the number three times 6.
A photo from open sources
The biometric card looks like this:
It is disguised as a scan of a “digital” photograph. This tag not visible to the eye but recognized by the scanner and when a person accepts this apocalyptic mark, worships the world to the ruler (according to the Bible, the antichrist is beautiful, charming and skilled master of lies), the wrath of God is poured out to him to the end. Thus, gaining access to material goods of this world, but embarks on the path of final renunciation of Of Christ. This will pave the way to the main goal – the creation of a single religion of the “New World Order” with the One World Government in cashless society. C United World Army, which will be guarantee peace. The process of destroying paper money, i.e. building a single global economy of a cashless society, controlled in a computer database covering the planet watching every person. Accounting and control of all parties life and activity. No rights. Anywhere wherever he is has been, will be identified and found. With the Antichrist Messiah led and his servants to rule all the nations of the earth. In his language, by his rules, with complete submission to his unlimited power. When he takes possession of the world, people without his seal on his forehead or hands will not will be able to buy clothes, food, cars, houses or anything else. He will demand that everyone carry his mark 666 on his hands. or on the forehead and all payment was made only by bank transfer payment by electronic money, and the electronic wallet was implantable microchip. And who will protest or do something They’re against them, they’ll turn off the chip. Printing is easy shows that its owners reject God and seek support for the antichrist obsessed with the devil and the oath of allegiance to him godless regime. He will make Jerusalem his world capital and forbids all religions except worship of himself and his idol. is he Prince William will be crowned as World Dictator in 2015 at the age of 33 years – in the years of the death of Jesus Christ. Now working over connecting all the cash desks to one huge a computer. This computer is also called the “Beast” (BEAST), which puts the seal of antichrist. Central server located in Dallas (Texas). It is in turn associated with two other large computers in Brussels (Belgium) and Amsterdam. World the financial system is now trying to hand over its names (the name of the “Beast”) given voluntarily, forcibly. If you want to log in global financial system, then you definitely need a name (identity identifier). So, the digital identifier of a person looks like a number, is wrongfully called a number, but is artificially created digital name of a person written in computer language, and with a digital identifier a person is not numbered, but named. Taking a digital name – personal identification code, the Beast computing system (Beast 6-06-6¬), a person, without hesitation, actually refuses the name given to him in holy baptism and for a sweet soul to participate in this system. There is no doubt that biometric information of the person who took the ID card, passport with a microchip, UEC, ESC, through the built-in foreign microchip by reading from satellites or in another way will immediately fall into the Antichrist computer “Beast”. Getting biometric data into the computer “Beast” means zombie man through psychotronic weapons. It will occur in at least two ways: By impact on the microchip from a satellite or other emitters through modulated sound, ultrasound, infrasound, electromagnetic signals of various frequencies directly on human subconscious bypassing consciousness. Through the microchip will be psychosounding (reading information) followed by psychocorrection, allowing secretly control the state and human behavior. It is for the psychotronic (witchcraft) influences and the antichrist needs to collect through his servants in governments biometric fingerprints from all people. The tragedy of the soul of failure to fall into the kingdom of heaven and the fall in the netherworld of hell to demons for torment and suffering in a new body, after of death. No wonder they say: “With good intentions, the road to hell. “Sinful people get there because of a sinful life that is the result of the rejection of God’s salvation in Christ Jesus, because only the Lord Jesus is the almighty Savior, who has redeemed, He will prepare us from sin: he will wash everything in his precious blood your sins and will put on the wedding garment of his righteousness without spot and vice. Repent now and you will be saved from the terrible things that they are waiting not submissive and unsaved. Call Jesus, ask Him save you while you can, and the Lord will accept you and forgive you! is he loves you and does not want you to perish. For only through repentance sins bathed in the blood of Christ who loves mercy! For repentance has power only on earth – in hell it is powerless. Anyone who accepts the mark of the devil of the Beast system is doomed! After that no return no forgiveness, no second chance, no atonement, no salvation! The electronic system is defiled by the number of Antichrist 666, therefore believers should not accept electronic certificates. Name Numbers the beast brings the second coming of Christ and his Last Judgment, fulfilling the dream of the Orthodox. And only at the Second Coming The savior will destroy the computer and personal numbers. Knowing all this believers must prepare for a glorious event: the ascension of the Church Jesus Christ is spotless and defile because Jesus Christ will come only for the clean and immaculate Bride. Believers must strive to ensure that the name is inscribed in the heavenly Book of life. So, give glory and thanksgiving to God who showed us such a clear warning for admonition! Believe me, live this message. Make the choice today to whom you will serve. Choose life with God, and then you don’t have to worry about the mark of the devil, despite the seduction and temptation of this world. If interested, about this is written in the Bible, the revelation (Apocalypse) of St. John The Theologian – the last book of the New Testament: The Bible says that Antichrist sits in a Jewish temple posing as God and demanding worship. The last text of the thirteenth chapter says literally the following: “… Here is wisdom. Whoever has the mind, count the number of the beast, for it is a human number; his number six hundred sixty six ” (Rev. John the Evangelist 13-18) The mark of the beast (conditional “seal” Antichrist “) has the appearance of thin lines, dashes (strokes), among whose number of beast is 666. One has only to look at the commodity EAN-13 barcode known as a single product coding system and it becomes clear: this is the same style ID-number with a number beast 666, where this number is entered in binary notation in the form dividing strips supplied on the forehead or arm ”and will not be able neither buy nor sell, except for those who have this mark ” (Rev. John the Evangelist 13,16-17). How not to recall the words here: “I know your affairs; you bear a name as if alive, but you are dead” (Rev. John the Evangelist 3: 1) The Lord clearly says that those who receive the mark thereby declare their allegiance to the beast and will be separated forever from the Lord God. And people will ask: “Who is like this beast? And who can fight him? “(Rev. John the Evangelist 13: 4) Final but the judgment of God over gear souls and bodies will be cast into hell fire “lake of fire burning with sulfur” and will reside in hell to eternal torment with the beast Antichrist, whom they elected as their leader. “This is the second death” (Rev. John the Evangelist 20: 14-15) After the final destruction of the gear bible God will create “a new heaven and a new earth.” (Rev. John the Evangelist, 21: 1) The ultimate tragedy of believers and non-crib people consists in the fact that all this will be done forcibly. People not those who have taken the mark of the devil will be persecuted, will be hiding where possible survive and escape from the mark of the beast. “To kill, there was everyone, who will not worship the image of the beast “(Rev. John the Evangelist 13:15) “Do not be afraid of anything that you need to endure … Be faithful to death, and I will give you the crown of life “(Rev. John the Evangelist 2:10) Many will be cut off their heads for their loyalty to the Lord God. But blessed are those who die for the Lord, because their great reward in the kingdom of heaven, “who did not bow to the beast, nor to his image, and they did not accept the mark on his forehead and on his hand ” (Revelation of John the Evangelist 20: 4). If you refuse to obey the beast and accept his mark, bring repentance to God, then the Lord Jesus will save you! Blessed Virgin Mary of the faithful children of the Church He will not leave Christ. “He who overcomes will inherit everything, and I will be God to him, and he will be my son … “(Rev. 21: 7).” I will give to him who overcomes: the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God … “(Rev. 2: 7).” He who has an ear (hear) let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches: he who overcomes not will suffer harm from the second death “(Rev. 2:11).” I will give to the overcomer to eat the innermost manna, and I will give him a white stone and on a stone a written new name that no one knows except who receives “(Rev. 2:17).” He who overcomes will be clothed in white robes; and not I will blot out his name from the book of life, and confess his name to the Father Mine and before His angels “(Rev. 3: 5). I will make the overcomer a pillar in the temple of My God, and he will no longer go out; and I’ll write a name on it Of My God and the name of the city of My God, the new Jerusalem, descending from Heaven is from My God, and My name is new “(Rev. 3:12).” He who overcomes let me sit with me on my throne, as I also conquered and sat with the Father Mine is on His throne “(Rev. 3:21).” For this is love of God, that we keep his commandments; and His commandments are not burdensome. For everyone born of God conquers the world; and this is victory conquering the world, our faith. Who conquers the world, if not the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God “(1 John 5: 3-5).” Everyone, He who abides in him does not sin; every sinner did not see Him, and did not know him. Whoever commits sin is of the devil “(1 John 3: 6, 8). May all the prophecies of the Bible be fulfilled! Amen and Amen! Disclaimer receive universal electronic card Russians introduce electronic cards (UEC) throughout the country since January 2013. If everyone refuses to accept electronic biometric documents and appeal to a single registry then the system just can’t make it. Will it work out or not, it depends only from the consent of the person. If you personally need the concepts of freedom and faith do not take electronic documents, save freedom. Besides Moreover, with the rejection of the UEC must hurry. According to article 26 ФЗ-№210 “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services “- a citizen has the right to refuse to receive universal electronic card (UEC) until 2014 from the date of publication announcements of the beginning of the issuance of UEC. For those who want to know the truth – about what awaits our country, how people will survive, not accepting the mark – watch the films “Russian Angel. Youth Vyacheslav. “Many elders warned that those people who accept the mark, will gradually become evil, possessed. Those who accept the mark will no longer be able to do good deeds. They have perception ability will be perverted – good will seem evil to them, but evil good. There will be nothing sacred for them. They cannot feel what God created, what a sweet air, feel what good water, they belong to Satan and do not belong to God. The fact that happening now this has never happened! Money Life Stones