The DVR captured a snowman in Bashkiria

The DVR captured a snowman in BashkiriaA photo from open sources

Why is the snowman called the snowman? Most often these anthropoid creatures are spotted in the dense green forests of America. However, when it comes to Russia, known for its cold climate, sasquotches are often seen by eyewitnesses on snowy landscapes. So, more recently, the legendary relic hominid captured on a snowy road in the Russian Republic Bashkortostan.

This happened near Iremel – the second highest peak South Urals. This interesting video made by car a registrar, reporters sent a resident of Uchaly. The man returned with his friends late in the evening after climbing the mountain when the alleged cryptid. The driver and his companions noticed a mysterious creature, which crossed the road, and immediately stopped next to the track, starting to actively discuss what happened.

By turning on the video below, you will see Bigfoot at the forty-seventh second. Tall humanoid creature with with light wool crosses the road rapidly on the rear limbs and hiding in the forest. It should be noted that people present in the car abundantly use abusive vocabulary, but they can be fully understood: not every day lucky enough to face close to the big foot, and even extremely clearly shoot it on video. Some were scared to death would be in such a situation.

Did Russians really encounter snow a man?

One of the amazed travelers suggested it was an elk. Another thought it was a bear. However, driving up to the tracks, abandoned by a mysterious stranger, the Russians realized that the stranger ran on its hind legs, which is impossible for an elk, but for a bear huge rarity. And where do you meet polar bears in Russia, and running on their hind legs? Someone will say that our compatriots met some joker in a suit, however, such a theory does not hold water. According to eyewitnesses, from this place to the nearest settlement was more than thirty kilometers. Would someone get into this wilderness in such a the weather, and even at night, just to cool off, and without any hopes that at this late time someone will pass along the road?

A photo from open sources

The author of the video Vadim Gilmanov is an experienced hiker, for whose neighborhood of Iremel is almost the second home. is he convinced that no local animal can look and move like cryptids in the video presented. Therefore, tourists probably came across a real Bigfoot. As you know, yeti is found in almost all cold spots of the globe, and Russia is one of the countries where such collisions occur most often. According to cryptozoologists, this explained not only by our climate, but also by geography: in the Russian Federation there are vast areas of wildlife ideal for living Sasquatch.

Iremel is not so simple without snow people

It is noteworthy that the peak of Iremel has been shrouded in haze since ancient times. mystics. At one time, at the foot of the mountain, there were monasteries Old Believers who rejected the reform of the Russian Orthodox Church. Ufologists say that the top attracts flying saucers, and esotericists suggest that Iremel is peculiar positive energy battery on Earth. Now here how it seems that snowy people also wound up. It remains to be hoped that Bigfoots are not aggressive and do not wish the local residents evil.

In addition to material about yetis in Bashkiria, let’s say that official science is very skeptical of Bigfoot, since, according to orthodox scholars, there is not one reliable fact of its existence. However, this is far from the case that perfectly shown in the documentary “Captive by the Snow people “(see below), based on more than evidence numerous eyewitnesses, but also irrefutable evidence the existence of this mysterious creature.

In this case, the position of scientists who deny everything these facts. However, if we turn to any paranormal phenomena, you may be surprised to see that such orthodox scholars are simply fulfill the will of the Illuminati, falsifying and silent about everything that is not fits into the doctrine of narrowly material, severely limited view of our world. The Illuminati, as you know, do not need enlightened people, and an obedient flock of sheep …

Yeti Climate Cryptids Bears Russia Snow

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