The eggs helped the ancients escape from demons and natural disasters

A photo from open sources

Residents of Sarda (an ancient city in modern Turkey) spent decades to rebuild your city after devastating earthquake that occurred in the 17th year of the 1st century AD. To protect yourself from future disasters and drive away demons (guilty in natural disasters), some locals hid under the floors eggshell houses as an effective mascot. Summer 2013 years, archaeologists discovered the ruins of an ancient building in Sarda, which It was built after the earthquake. Under the floor of the once elite at home besides a few instruments made of bronze they found eggshell and coin. It turns out in ancient rituals, able to protect people from the machinations of evil spirits, while these two components were very important. One of the egg shells found under the floor of the house, surprisingly well preserved. Scientists consider that this find explains many superstitions of that time. Even the Roman historian Pliny wrote about how people of that time, being by nature very superstitious to drive away from yourself evil spell, be sure to pierce or break the eggshell dinner spoon immediately after the meal. Also eggshell laid inside the special “demon traps” found in modern Iraq and Iran. This was done in order to lure, and then disarm evil forces that can harm people. A sometimes, for example, to send a curse on an enemy, under the gate eggs were also buried in his house with pierced eggshells. Scientists not sure whether these dubious rituals were one hundred percent success, but the fact that after some time the eggs began to stink terribly, they don’t even doubt it. Based on these unique and interesting finds, experts concluded that the eggshell in ancient Sarda served as a way to protect people and their homes from evil forces, including the number of possible earthquakes, curses and evil eyes. Gods Zeus and Cybele, closely associated with the manifestation of natural disasters, considered the father and mother of the other gods of the region. Can therefore be to propitiate the gods, the ancient inhabitants of Sarda together with eggs buried in the ground and coins, as a tribute to higher powers. Almost identical ritual attributes were discovered archaeologists in the ancient city in the temple of Artemis. However, unlike those found earlier, these magical things were laid under the floor of the temple long before the terrible earthquake. However, despite discovered finds, today it is difficult for researchers find direct evidence before or after the disaster residents Sardis resorted to magical rituals to protect their territory from natural disasters. Mostly in their findings scientists rely on the findings they found in sealed after earthquakes burials and data from written sources. Further excavations and detailed analysis will help to find the solution to this. a secret.

Earthquake time

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