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In the USA – the flu epidemic. There are already hundreds of cases thousand There are queues in hospitals. New York and Boston announced emergency. This has not happened in the 21st century. In what countries still get sick and should the Russians be worried? USA flu. From overseas, news comes back to the sound of coughing and sneezing. The strongest epidemic in 10 years is gaining momentum. Infection reports have been updated in recent days almost every hour: 20 states, 27, 34, 47 of 50. And the virus is very aggressive. Even vaccinations do not always save. Until the last resisted sunny California and Hawaii. But here they fell under the onslaught of the virus. Hardest on the East Coast: Extraordinary position in Boston. The number of cases several times exceeds last year’s figures. “We doubled the number staff. But now we are at the limit of possibilities, and in fact the number cases continues to grow rapidly “, – says the doctor Terry Helly. “We have a very large influx of people. People crowd in corridors half an hour before the clinic’s opening, “the doctor notes Barbara Ferrer But the most acute situation is in the state of New York. Here the diagnosis has already been confirmed in more than 20 thousand people. For comparisons over the past epidemiological season were recorded only 4.5 thousand infections. The state also declared emergency provision that, in addition to everything, provides funding from the center. And it certainly will not be superfluous. Infection control costs estimated at 10 billion dollars – this is vaccination and therapy. But the figures for the total damage to the country’s economy are many times greater – 80 billions. Analysts predict a slowdown in GDP growth. Apparently, not knowing the Russian saying about “late to drink Borjomi,” US authorities have launched a large-scale vaccination company population. They even suspended federal law, by who could be vaccinated only by adult citizens. At the time of the epidemic, the threshold is lowered. Even small ones are vaccinated half year old children. In total, the beginning of the epidemic in the United States was 135 million doses of the vaccine were procured. Of which soft tissue 128 million have already diverged Americans. The local media even became panic messages appear: there’s not enough medicine for everyone. However, this information was greatly exaggerated. According to doctors, A little over a third of the population is vaccinated in the country. Troubling mood even faster than the virus itself penetrated the network. IN On Twitter, Americans share their feelings on this subject. “Crazy. I got a flu shot that turned out to be ineffective, “complains Joe Seanoa.” I saw a group of people who gave each other flu shots near the pharmacy, “- shares his observation on Twitter Ryan. “Because of the powerful flash the flu our pastor replaced the usual handshake with a wave of his hands in in the air, “says NotKennyRogers for security measures. “The news that Meryl Streep got the flu gives me a strange sense of comfort, “- catches himself with a malevolent sensation Barron Hilton. However, not all Americans perceived the threat really serious. A kind of feast during the plague took place in New York subway. Activists held a traditional action “without pants. “All day, flash mob participants rode the subway in one underwear. Neither the surprised looks of casual fellow travelers, nor the threat flu lovers do not stop fillet pieces. Exotic H3N2 flu therapy. While underestimating the threat of an influenza epidemic is not worth it. According to the most averaged estimates, the number of people infected in the USA measured in hundreds of thousands. It is known that every year in the country 5 to 20 percent of the population has the flu. Moreover, about 200 thousand people go to hospitals, and from 3 to 49 thousand die. However, mortality data are pretty rough, as often the cause is not the virus itself, but the viruses complications. Discrepancies in numbers can be very significant. Especially if you recall how many varieties of this flu happens. For example, according to the World Organization Health (WHO) in 2009 from swine flu the world over more than 18 thousand people died. And more recently, the American Center for disease control and prevention published the results own research, according to which then for 12 months pandemics, the virus claimed the lives of at least 284 thousand people. To such numbers this year’s epidemics are far away. However, the incoming information should at least be alarming. On the other side of the globe – in China – for the first time since 2009 deadly cases. Two women in Beijing died from swine flu. In Palestine another strain of the virus killed 9 people. About the United States, we are already they said. Accurate data on deaths from there is not yet available. Is known at least 20 cases of death in children. In the Old World too not everything is so calm. In the Czech Republic, 10 people died. In Poland – 5. Even when you look at such an approximate map it becomes clear – the virus getting closer. “Virus prevails in the United States H3N2 flu. And type B influenza virus. It is in both Russia and China, and in the USA. Will there be any quarantine measures? If from China will leave, then probably if there is really serious an epidemic, it is possible that passengers will be measured there. But perhaps in the United States it will be. Human can fly away from the country, outwardly he will still be healthy, but in fact the virus has already entered his body, “says the head laboratory for protection against viral infections Research Institute of Influenza Marianna Erofeeva. And what about Russia? The first news came from Kaliningrad. There was recorded the first case of pig disease this year the flu. Control is strengthened on the border with China. Specialists Rospotrebnadzor conduct daily health monitoring all entering the Primorsky Territory from the Middle Kingdom.
However, there is no reason to panic yet. Yes, the virus is nearby. But for Russians he has not yet taken. This, by the way, experts call merit long New Year holidays and school holidays. Now with the beginning the learning process will have to be harder. Schoolchildren – the group most at risk of infection. To stop classes from all SARS class should get sick at least 30 percent. In the case of 25 seven will suffice. In the whole country, the situation is still in normal. A little tension is observed only in Nizhny Novgorod, Vladimir, Kazan and Tyumen regions. Total scale almost 40 million vaccinations were made to the state. Of which 13 million to children. “At least all of February and the first week of March we will have a drop recorded. Since we are unique largest country, it doesn’t happen that in all subjects immediately begins to rise in incidence. It could be locally, but, fortunately, we expect this situation, “- said Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Russia Gennady Onishchenko. According to the forecasts of the chief sanitary doctor, the increase in the incidence flu and SARS in Russia will happen in the coming days. Increase the numbers of patients are waiting by the end of the week. Now, according to Rospotrebnadzor, only in Moscow the flu was recorded in almost 50 thousands of people.
Viruses Time China Russia USA Epidemics