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(photo: elpais.com) And not just the work of the Large Hadron collider, and the work of the entire European Nuclear Organization research – one of the main projects of which is The Large Hadron Collider Associated Press and sciencexxi.com already reported that Fabiola Gianotti will take over as CEO European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in 2016. IN currently occupies this position (and, apparently, will borrow until 2016) Rolf Hoyer. Fabiola Gianotti is known that in her youth she dreamed of a musician career and even got professional education in piano, but her fate turned out to be particle physics. At CERN Fabiola works with 1987, and since 2009 he heads (according to another source Information – is the official press secretary) ATLAS project – one of the four main experiments on the LHC. Before the creation of the Great the andron collider Gianotti worked at the Big electron-positron collider, which was the predecessor of the LHC. Among the achievements of Fabiola Gianotti is a doctorate in Experimental Subnuclear Physics, Fundamental Award physics in 2013, two Orders of Merit for the Italian Republic “, the fifth place in the rating” Person of the Year “according to Time for 2012, and Forbes, in turn, in 2013 added it to a hundred the most powerful women in the world. Famous Italian scholar enters to the Advisory Committee on Scientific Affairs under the General UN Secretary. And now, as we see, he will also head the largest laboratory of high energy physics.
Hadron Collider