The French will begin to make perfume with smells dead people

The French will begin to make perfumes with the smells of dead peopleA photo from open sources

French perfumers plan to start making perfumes, the basis for which will be the smells of deceased relatives of customers. It is believed that the aroma of a loved one who has left our world will become better memory of him.

The new perfume formula is currently displayed in a special chemical laboratory in the south of France. Interestingly, the idea of ​​publishing such a product came up with a specialist who recently lost his beloved wife. The perfumer thought for a long time and realized that perfumes with the smell of the dear darling will deliver him positive emotions and over time will help cure the pain of bereavement.

The French try not to disclose the details of their work, however local journalists managed to find out that with the dead there will be no manipulations. In living people in advance taking fabric also makes no sense. It is reported that as a source the deceased’s unique aroma will be his clothing. For example, from pieces of a collar specialists will be able to extract thousands of organic molecules, which will be the most important component of this elixir memories.

It is worth recalling: world scientists have long found out that everyone of us has a unique smell. Sexologists insist that most women and men prefer the opposite semi, based on aromas exuded by man. And to psychologists managed to prove that the child and mother are able to remember all their lives smell each other.

So the idea of ​​French perfumers is not without meaning and, rather of all, bring them considerable income. In the future, it seems that such an approach to creating perfumes may even become fundamental in perfume industry.

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