The “garlic” element of the periodic table

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About this unusual and very rare metal from the periodic far few know Mendeleev’s tables – tellurium: only chemists and directly working with him.

This metal is rare because in the earth’s crust in the form of a fossil detecting it is problematic because it easily reacts with water and becomes volatile hydride, which simply “runs away” in space.

Tellurium today is obtained only by artificial means; moreover, it may even be a byproduct that is specifically reduced to a metal element, since then used in the production of solar panels and SSDs – modern hard drives.

But this metal is surprising in its “garlic” quality. If his support in your hand even a few seconds, then you will be guaranteed garlic breath for several weeks. And how scientists say, while the human body does not receive any side effects, except for “garlic” – surprisingly and at some it’s even fantastic, because to explain all this from a scientific point of view no one has yet been honored with a vision …

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