The giant “spider dog” has become a major nightmare YouTube VIDEO

A photo from open sources

Polish pranker Sylvester Wardena posted a video on YouTube, having collected over 20 million views per day. On the video, people experiencing real horror at the sight of a giant spider, as if coming from a thriller. In fact, the role of “spider” performs a small dog on whose back the joker attached a mock spider. The dog, released by the owner, runs around Warsaw, spreading horror and panic. Pranker even hung in some places an artificial web and laid out models of severed human limbs. 70 thousand users have approved this draw on the YouTube video page, but a thousand people didn’t like him at all. People reasonably notice that pranker was just lucky that among the involuntary participants of the “show” there were no patients with heart disease. Otherwise, everything could ending is not at all funny.


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