A photo from open sources
Looking at pictures of 2-year-old Minnesota resident Melanie Dickerson, many Internet users conclude that this super-realistic doll, or the pictures were edited. Some of the regulars on the Web even think that on these frames captured a hybrid of man and an alien. Well, someone with with a shudder recalls the terrible urban legends of supernatural children with black eyes.
The girl’s eyes are actually almost completely black. Little American has a rare genetic abnormality under the name of the Aksenfeld-Rieger syndrome, because of which its structure pupils broken, and the iris is completely absent. Thanks to this, Melanie’s unnaturally huge pupils occupy almost the entire front of her eyes, giving the baby at the same time charming, like a cartoon character, and somewhat scary look.
A photo from open sources
Dickerson is very fortunate that her condition is limited only to external unusual and high photosensitivity of the eyes, due to which our heroine is forced to wear dark glasses even with a weak the sun. Many other children with Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome glaucoma and deafness are found. Mother Girl Karina Dickerson tells that some strangers are seriously scared of the eye babies (when she is without glasses), but Karina herself considers them incredibly beautiful.
According to the woman, when her daughter was born, Melanie’s eyes were completely normal for the baby. Only with time parents began to notice that her pupils were expanding more and more, closing the iris, and bright light hurts the baby. IN 5 month old girl underwent eye surgery to reduce risk of developing glaucoma. Relatives hope that unusual appearance will not be an obstacle to the normal communication of Melanie with peers, and in the future – for a fulfilling life …