A photo from open sources
In 2009, the family of one six-year-old boy, whom dubbed the “balloon boy” claimed their son traveled in the atmosphere inside a balloon filled with helium. how it turned out later, it was a hoax, a hoax. What makes people create hoaxes? It turns out the motives are just as as diverse as the deceivers themselves. Some do it for the purpose of advertisements, others for fun or to attract attention, third – and without any apparent reason. The story is full great hoaxes. Here are some of the most noteworthy: The Amityville Horror Photos from open sources
In 1974, six members of the Amityville family (New York) were killed by the youngest son Ronald De Feo. A year later, this house George and Katie Lutz, as well as their three children, moved. Literally immediately after moving the family began to claim that they were being attacked otherworldly powers in the form of ghosts and spirits. It turned out later that Lutz collaborated with writer Jay Anson, who wrote script for the film “The Amityville Horror.” Some years later skeptical investigators proved that the Lutz decided profit by resorting to mystification. Tawana Incident Broly Photos from open sources
In 1987, Americans were shocked by the story, what happened to a young black woman named Tawana Broly. She claimed to have been raped by six white people, in number which included police officers. Against the background of this event Rev. Al Sharpton and many of his other associates became inflate racial tensions in every way and blame the police for concealment of criminals. However, next year after a detailed investigation revealed that the incident was fabricated, therefore, in court, Brolley and Sharpton were already defendants, accused of libel. Sokal Scam
A photo from open sources When the respected physicist Alan Sokal in 1996 year proposed to print his pretentious and loud, but at the same time an absolutely pointless article titled Breaking the Boundaries: on the path to transformative hermeneutics of quantum gravity, “leading cultural research magazine “Social Text” accepted it without questions. An article filled with academic jargon was senseless and carried a pseudo intellectual nonsense, a kind of parody postmodernism and philosophical relativism. Sokal intentionally wrote article so that any competent physicist or mathematician understood cheating. However, the editors of the magazine apparently did not bother to check article and released it in print. Crop Circles
A photo from open sources Although some mystery lovers are sure that mysterious crop circles people have seen since time immemorial, on in fact, the oldest of them is thirty years old. Mysterious circles first appeared in the countryside of Britain, but their origin remained a mystery until 1991 – just then two local men admitted that they independently created circles for decades as a prank to force people to believe in aliens. Birth of a rabbit
Photos from open sources
In 1726, in England, a young lady named Mary Toft said that during the weeding of the field she was raped by a huge rabbit. In this no one believed the story, but six months later, the woman’s bed was called a doctor who wrote in a report that Mary gave birth to five rabbits. Before the news spread, the woman gave birth again some more rabbits. However skeptical professionals pulled out from Mary a confession that with the help of her husband tossing rabbits to her bed, as well as a bribed doctor, she’s all set up. Raelians Photos from open sources
In 2004, members of the Raelian religious sect claimed that a group of their scientists created the first human clone in the world. Clone – a girl named Eve. The ultimate goal of a sect leader who claims that he and his parishioners descended from aliens – this achievement of immortality. General public announcement the creation of the clone was met with condemnation, and among scientists with skepticism. However, be that as it may, until now the group has not I was able to provide evidence of my experiment.