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Scientists from the United States, in particular researchers Cancer Center named after M.D. Anderson, based on long-term studies have concluded that modern men are very dangerous for women, because they are carriers of the papilloma virus.
Moreover, according to the findings of American oncologists, almost half representatives of the stronger sex can be classified as a virus carrier. Moreover, in men themselves, a dangerous virus most often does not manifests itself and does not create any problems.
But women, having sexual intercourse with such men, risk getting a “gift” for the pleasure of cervical cancer, moreover, as the researchers established, carriers of such fatal infection of women favors the majority male carriers of the papilloma virus.
Vaccine or Immaculate Conception of Women?
Of course, oncologists emphasize, today in the USA there is a vaccine. against this virus, however, as statistics show, even in The United States took advantage of it, for example, last year, not more than ten percent of men. And this despite the fact that the papilloma virus causes not only female but also serious male problems with health. For example, ninety percent of this virus is caused cancer of the uterus in women and as many – cancer of the anus in men. In addition, the papilloma virus causes throat cancer (72 percent) and penile cancer (63 percent).
The safest age for men to become infected with HPV (virus human papillomas), according to scientists, – up to 22 years, especially if these men received appropriate vaccination in the nursery age. All other men are potentially dangerous for women and for ourselves.
True, such a conclusion is valid only for the United States, since American researchers have a very vague idea of how things are in this regard in other countries. True they suggest that the rapid spread of female cancers diseases in the world, however, like the above male, can to have a cause identified by them – modern men are carriers of dangerous viruses that contribute to incurable diseases.
Maybe it’s no coincidence that nature, as Dr. Jeff Brighty of Great Britain gradually destroys men, and in the future our Parthenogenesis is waiting for the planet, that is, a same-sex society with immaculate conception.
A photo from open sources
USA Health Viruses