October 16, 1992 the Indian ship “Starfish” left from Bombay heading to Malaysia. On board were 10 tourists and 39 crew members. At first everything went fine, but on the fifth day Travel unexpectedly a strong storm broke out. Radio communication interrupted, and the last message from the ship was: “SOS! Drowning!” A soon the ship disappeared from all the radars approaching the place distress ships. Photos from open sources When the storm subsided, in search of “Marine stars “set off five Indian Coast Guard boats. for several days they examined in detail the disaster area, but no trace of the ship was found. In all official The reports noted that the Starfish tragically sank and all passengers and crew died. Exactly three years later, a day in day – October 16, 1995, in the same place before our eyes astonished fishermen it is not known where the ship came from. Located nearby ships received a signal from him: “Everything is in order! SOS canceled! The storm suddenly stopped! “But no one heard no distress signal, and even storms were not in these places anymore of the year! The amazement of the coast guard was unlimited when they learned that in a mystical way a materialized ship – this is the missing Starfish. On board, passengers arranged feast in honor of his salvation. At first they did not believe that their ship has been officially declared dead for three years. Captain found a statement about this is an inappropriate joke. According to him, they sent the last distress call no more than three hours ago, and all the rest of the time heroically fought the storm. Can imagine the horror of the Starfish team when they’re realized that they were deleted from life for three whole years! Perhaps the incident will seem to someone implausible, but several more of this kind are known cases. As the journal Skeptical Incuyer reported, in 1995, when inexplicably disappeared Frenchwoman Louise Dupin, living in a small provincial town. Find her not succeeded, and relatives suggested the worst. But a year later, day to day, Louise suddenly returned. It took quite a lot of time to convince the unlucky “traveler” that that her walk lasted a whole year. It turned out that in that ill-fated day, Louise went shopping. She thought a little strange that not a single person met along the way. Suddenly sky overcast, a strong wind rose. What a young woman that time became bad, and after she discovered that she had lost her way. Having lost about an hour, she finally went out to the local shop, sincerely wondering why all the neighbors are looking at her so frightenedly … press periodically reports about mysterious people way disappeared for one or another long term, and then appearing in the same place. Scientists repeatedly attempts have been made to study these anomalous phenomena, but so far so far none of the research results have been published. Meanwhile in in various places on the planet in this way continue to disappear people. There is even some pattern. Usually before how to disappear, people observed a sharp deterioration in the weather. Suddenly a storm or a hurricane began, heavy rain, suddenly it became very coldly. Most of the missing felt aching pain in their temples, their eyes darkened sharply. Apparently, it was at this moment and there was a fantastic time shift. According to estimates missing people, it took only two, a maximum of three hours. Later they again found themselves in the same place where they suddenly the storm overtook. One more nuance is striking. If a person believed that he wandered for an hour, then he was found a year later, and when in it was two hours before the disappeared, he was declared in real life after two years. It is noteworthy that the victims did not met on their way, and their wrist or pocket watch at the moment disappearances and returns stopped and then started again go. There are several hypotheses regarding these strange phenomenon. According to one of them, people are abducted by aliens, who then examine them for a long time. But this version does not seem convincing. Firstly, the “travelers” themselves do not remember anything about such experiments, and secondly, the similarity of such cases makes doubt it. More interesting, albeit controversial, looks different. point of view. Perhaps in some places on the planet powerful cosmic energy, sometimes tearing space-time relationships. Man accidentally falling there at this moment, it is as if trapped, out of time. A that’s how he manages to return back is still not clear. Probably the clue is worth looking for in the phenomenon of teleportation. By to some symptoms, these two phenomena are identical. Specialists dealing with the strange disappearance of people, consider necessary not only a detailed study of territories where similar phenomena occurred, but also an examination of the disappeared themselves. However, now this is hardly possible, because most scientists Despite eyewitness accounts, they still do not believe in a break time … In addition to the strange disappearances, there have been cases objects falling into invisible holes, from which they could no longer be to extract. Sometimes such an item appeared later in another part. of the world. In his book “Strange Mysteries of Time and Space” Harold T. Wilkins describes a case when a person at sea accidentally dropped the knife overboard. At that very moment his wife (who was at home) she was horrified to see that same knife falling from the ceiling in the kitchen and thrust into the table. Items fall into holes between dimensions, but they also seem to be coming back from them. Almost any object that one can only imagine falling through holes: pieces of red meat, live fish, cookies, even alligators. Strange stuff called “angel hair” is often seen in places where UFO visited. It is a thin, white fibrous material that falls from the sky in areas where flying saucers were seen. Such objects often fall from a clear cloudless sky when not visible even an airplane that could be blamed for what happened. On Earth, there are several such mysterious regions that as if they were in another world. In such areas, the laws of nature almost have no power. One such place is Magnetic Hill near Moncton in New Brunswick (Canada). Cars, rubber balls, even water – everything slides easily … up in this strange location. The forces acting on objects are not magnetic, because not iron objects behave in the same way as made from it metal. On Magnetic Hill, gravitational forces act as if with exactly the opposite. Another weird place where things behave different than usual – Oregon funnel along Sardine Creek near Grant Gorges in Oregon. The oregon funnel has a diameter of about 55 meters. Strange forces draw people and other bodies to the center. funnels, so you need to deviate from the center to keep equilibrium. Items even roll uphill on an inclined plane along towards the center of the funnel. Scientific tools confirm the presence of power, but scientists have not yet been able to explain it origin. Strange forces that act on Magnetic Hill and in the Oregon funnel, everyone can testify. However on Earth can be similar strange places, acting only on some susceptible people. For example, american researcher Brad Steiger in “Mysterious Disappearances” describes a person possessing a supernatural ability to pass through doors to other dimensions. Some of these doors lead to gloomy, lifeless places, without sound and movement, others into the past or the future of our world. If similar holes in time and space all the same, they really exist, then a person cannot reconcile himself and just watch how objects disappear in them. Will hope, that our knowledge will advance to the extent possible understand the nature of these phenomena.
Life time