The inexplicable secrets of the universe

A photo from open sources

A large number of scientists argue that in the development of our The universe deliberately intervened some higher intelligent forces. So, a number of researchers believe that many inexplicable phenomena discovered in space are actually explained alien intervention. For example, Rokosy. Already found around 80 of these objects, which in size can be compared with the stars. ROCOS did not find the so-called lines absorption. These peculiar prints of different types of atoms chemicals that are present in all the rest luminaries. And this fact may indicate that the objects these are nothing more than lighthouses set by the ancient and powerful civilizations for purposes incomprehensible to us, perhaps they are called attract attention. While we are not able to explain what signs alien civilization can give us, except optical and radio messages. It may be that the outbreaks that happen on The sun also carries a secret meaning. Reasons to speculate about the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations gives us the solar system. The anomalous structure of our system cannot be explained which made scientists put forward assumptions about its artificial creating. Already discovered over 160 planets in the closest stellar systems. And all these planetary systems are built on the same principle – the largest planets are closer to their star Total. And the traced pattern is very clear – the less the size of the planet, the farther it is from its “sun.” IN our solar system is closest to the sun Mercury. And such giant planets as Jupiter and Saturn are far enough from the star. The formation of the huge Jupiter in a natural way, in such an orbit far from the sun, scientists believe unlikely. According to scientists, such inconsistencies are common space standards in the solar system can be found quite often. So, for example, the size of the sun and moon is so amazing “fitted”, that at full eclipses the moon’s disk ideally closes The sun. The shape of the orbits along which planets rotate in the solar system. If absolutely all the planets, discovered in space, bypass their stars in an ellipse, then in our system they move in an almost perfect circle. And not yet can be explained by the fact that Venus rotates counterclockwise arrows. So far, these and other, even more complex, phenomena inexplicable. Perhaps all this can be explained by the fact that our planet and all of humanity created a more developed civilization? The question of the origin of mankind is also one of the most difficult questions that we can only imagine. And this despite that the line of evolution of ape-like human ancestors is already outlined in sufficient detail. But still in the picture, which exists today, there are several dubious moments. For beginning – not one of the creatures found in the excavation, (with the exception of unless maybe homo habilis – “skilled man,” age approximately 2.5 million years) cannot be a direct ancestor modern man. And Australopithecus, and Sinanthropus, and Neanderthals, and many others – these are just late descendants of so called “dead end” branches of the development of human ancestors. A how to explain the fact that our real ancestors, that is, “transitional” links from a monkey to a man were never found by anyone. Moreover, if you look closely at the Neanderthals, for example, you can see that they do not at all developed, but vice versa – degraded. Clearly seen that more late neanderthals from modern man cost much farther than the early ones. Another person differs from all primates the number of chromosomes, and this is a fairly significant change. It can, of course, be assumed that the point at which the number of chromosomes changed, and became the point of transition from a monkey to a man. But this a change in the number of chromosomes must necessarily be accompanied serious changes in the structure of the body. Probably not worth talking about that not only similar creatures, but even their traces were found It was. And another important fact – the oldest traces humanoid creatures were recorded much earlier than on the first primates appeared on our planet. It remains only assume that a person arose in the Mesozoic region and, accordingly, his ancestors had dinosaurs. However, in reptiles a completely different organization, the difference between man and reptile just awesome. And then how do we explain the fact that in Turkmenistan in 1983 was found about one and a half thousand prints dinosaur footprints, and next to them are prints similar to footprints person. Geological group conducting excavations near Glen Rose (USA, Texas), found fingerprints of dinosaur and human tracks. These traces were discovered under a layer of clay and Cretaceous rocks with a thickness of 40 centimeters at a distance of only two meters from each other. AND again, man remains without ancestors? After all, other visible candidates there is simply no role for human ancestors – neither in the Paleozoic, nor in Mesozoic. As a result, we simply have no choice but to assumptions that the earth is not the birthplace of man. AND then different oddities will immediately become understandable. And indeed if we assume the external, extraterrestrial origin of mankind, then it can be easily explained that the traces of his stay on our planet discovered in many eras, and these finds have no communication with each other.

Our Earth, as a habitable planet, may have been colonized by people many times already. And it is possible that the universe can be populated by people densely enough and they can be biologically indistinguishable from us. Despite the fact that a person has very similar to other mammals, it is still different from them, and differs very significantly. And this, in turn, gives rise to serious doubts about what features in a person are more – similar or different. In addition, man is the only bipedal erect among other mammals. And the most the main thing: a person has something that no one has mammal, not one animal of the Earth – man has mind. And this property raises it many orders of magnitude on a scale organization of living matter. There is a mass in the history of our planet phenomena that can only be explained by the presence of highly developed extraterrestrial civilization, which not only created all of humanity, but also constantly intervenes in our development.

Universe Moon Sun Solar System Jupiter

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