The inhabitants of Siberia have long known effective technologies for building wooden houses

Residents of Siberia have long known effective technologies for the construction of wooden housesA photo from open sources

Speaking of the Russian tradition of chopping wooden huts, I want to recall Siberian houses in which people are not afraid of the most severe winters It is not surprising that the choice of tree species for them, the cutting itself a log house, taking into account its exposure, installation and caulking, and also, depending on the time of the year, completely different than the average strip of Russia. But was it only the timber houses built Siberians?

If you turn to the story of the Sevastopol children’s writer Alexey Vargina, it turns out a very interesting thing: Siberians still in the first half of the last century, wooden houses were built completely according to different technology, and in the Great Patriotic War, apparently, successfully shared this interesting experience with residents of other regions Of Russia. Here is what Alexey Matveyevich writes on this occasion:

I want to tell an amazing story about parent the house that my father built, the best carpenter and joiner of the village Novovyazniki of the Vladimir region. You ask, what do you mean? Siberia? The fact is that my father was at the forefront of the whole World War II, and in his platoon of signalmen there was a Siberian, someone Malygin, whom he later recalled all his life with a kind word. And not only because this man more than once saved his father’s life at the front; Siberian taught him how to build amazingly warm, strong and durable monolithic house made of wood, which today is known as filling.

A photo from open sources

A few years after the war, my father decided to make out your old log house and in its place build a new, more spacious for our large family. As usual at that time first a wooden blockhouse was set, which was kept open sky for at least six months. I remember well how, as boys, we they ran, played war and hid along these log cabins: then many built new houses. Now imagine that at the end of May the best the carpenter of the neighborhood begins to break (disassemble) his old house, and there is no log house near it. Are Akimych crazy, they thought neighbors. In fact, a wooden house using Siberian technology It was built in a completely different way: only three initial crown, and then from a pre-prepared tez and rails father built almost boxes on them – these were the walls that from above (in the attic) remained open. And they fell asleep, and then for several years the most ordinary wooden sawdust, why the walls eventually turned into that wooden the monolith, about which the Siberian Malygin told his father.

A photo from open sources

This house, which is already over seventy years old, stands until still – and nothing like new (see photo above). And how is he was warm – just a miracle! Of course, now that I’m brought to the house natural gas, this is not so important. But in my childhood, our far from a small dwelling was heated only by a small armful firewood or a half-bucket of coal. And what was the warmth in it at the same time, not not to mention saving and other conveniences – everyone envy neighbors who once laughed at this strange construction. So father wiped his nose, confirming his title the best carpenter in the village. By the way, build a “Siberian” house like me said he started in May, and in the fall we already lived in it. And he worked father alone, perhaps the first crowns of logs helped him to lay two son-in-law, yes, we, the smaller child, then dragged for several years on the attic of the sawdust: our family was large, and I in it – the most the younger, as they say in Russia, scratching …

Today, such a technology for creating a wooden monolith from sawdust somewhat reminiscent of the production of fiberboards, here only Siberians used to press joiner’s waste production (sawdust) is not glue, essentially harmful to human organism, and the natural process and … time, which, as they say us philosophers, is the foundation of all miracles …

War Time Life Russia Siberia

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