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Recently, scientists around the world are worried about climate change. According to the hypotheses put forward, humanity in the foreseeable future can expect global warming or cooling, another global flood or widespread desert attack. The reasons for this are scientists called ozone holes, and industrial activity of man, and Earth axis displacement, and a whole series of factors that can be safely attributed to the realm of fiction. Processes taking place today with climate of the planet, have taken place before. So, in one of the most climate-severe regions – Siberia – about 1 million years ago, the waters of the warm ocean splashed. Started around 600 thousand years ago on the planet the ice age repeatedly interrupted by warmings. To the territory of Siberia and the Far North glaciation came much later. Moreover, the cooling process It was very fast. This is indirectly indicated found in Yakutia the remains of mammoths frozen into the ice in the digestive tract which scientists have found undigested grassy food. Small Ice Age, according to scientists, touched Europe in the XV – XVII centuries. According to archaeological data, it was during this period in Siberia that the period of the formation of large state entities, the most significant of which was Dzungarian Khanate, active development of crafts and agriculture. Occupation of previously uninhabited lands of the North floodplain Yenisei, Ob, Lower and Podkamennaya Tunguska. If in Europe at this time began cooling, then in the vast territory of the Trans-Urals – warming that continued over the next three centuries. According to chronicles, in a large area Siberia, from the Yenisei to the Lena, for several years at the end In the 17th century, winter did not come at all. Russian settlers had the ability to freely swim in small and large Siberian rivers, exploring more and more new regions. Weather for immigrants favored so much that in the newly formed communities and Fortresses were harvested several times a year. Similar phenomena only on a smaller scale, took place in the 18th and early 19th centuries. It is known that it was during this period that the peak in quantity immigrants who arrived in Siberia from the European part of Russia. Irkutsk scientist Pavel Sukhanov, for many years dealing with the problem climate change on Earth, believes that such paradoxes – the phenomenon for the planet is common. According to his hypothesis, at all times the Earth maintained a constant temperature balance. For example, if one part of the planet was immersed in icy cold, then the other part of it part necessarily languished from the heat. In his opinion, global climatic changes are preceded by tectonic movements, accompanied by earthquakes, large volcanic eruptions, the formation of new mountain systems, geysers and hot reservoirs. The planet as if warns its children about the upcoming climatic disasters. According to P. Sukhanov, the most the climate on the planet was stable in the XVII – XX centuries, when communities people living in the most favorable conditions of the West and southeast Asia, reached its peak in its development. IN at the same time, due to objective reasons, the development of regions was hampered North and Siberia. However, according to the scientist, such a situation will radically change by the end of the 21st century, when an active the onset of cold weather on the African continent and in Western Europe. The point of view of P. Sukhanov is shared by Novosibirsk researcher A. Brewers. In his opinion, after one and a half centuries of climate instability, the most favorable regions on the planet will become areas of the North and Siberia. Cut off by the Ural Mountains, surviving growth period, this huge region will be expected to start XXIII century a kind of oasis with ideal for living human climatic conditions. Stop at the same time exist such a lifesaving for a large part of the population Earth current, like the Gulf Stream, and snow cover will close the surviving after flooding part of Australia, Africa, Western Europe and South America. Recently, there was information that scientists have discovered in the core of the planet is another core – uranium, in which reactions take place, similar to those that occur in a nuclear reactor. Significant warming in a number of regions of the planet, in their opinion, is due to that the fission of uranium in the small nucleus has intensified. However, in Siberia there are such temperature anomalies that generally nothing can be explained. A curious weather phenomenon was observed peasants of the village of Parshino, located at the beginning of the last century in the south of Irkutsk province. In the newspaper “Irkutsk Vedomosti” for 1913 year, a note was published about how once in February the peasants saw over a snowy carpet covering large fields with winter rye, a strange bluish glow, standing somewhat days. Fields in the glow zone were dotted with dead birds. When the glow disappeared, the snow melted in one night, and from rye shoots began to make their way out of the exposed land. And a little more later hot springs hit the fields, the jets of which reached a few meters. Entering anomalous territory after crackling frost, standing around, peasants, from their words, “as if they fell into bath “, the temperature that stood there, held so high more than nine months before the onset of the cold of another winter. IN the sixties of the XX century a very interesting discovery made by the crew one of the Soviet bombers flying from one base Air Force in Yakutia to another. Twenty minutes after take-off, one of The heavy bomber engines caught fire. Crew commander plane flying at high altitude, decided to leave a falling car on parachutes. Landing, military pilots found themselves in a huge bowl, the edges of which were covered with sparkling snow in the sun. Inside the cup was fragrant greens and chirped birds. Small river with crystal clear water crossed in the middle of this wonderful oasis, disappearing into a deep and the narrow crevice from which the steam came. Crew commander touching to the ground, I felt that it was warm … After a few hours the missing crew was discovered and pilots were evacuated to by helicopter. Air Force officers reported to the commander about the accident, as well as about strange place. Colonel whitened with gray hair told his subordinates that even during the war years pilots became aware of this an amazing oasis that seemed to be a crater of a meteorite, fallen in time immemorial in the north of Siberia. Commander the squadron ordered the pilots not to inform anyone of their discovery and generally forget about the plane crash … And today in the Trans-Urals there are amazing places that any resident could envy southern countries. So, in the Altai Mountains near Lake Aya is located reduced exact copy. This is Aichonok Lake. It is interesting because that, despite its small depth and small size surface does not freeze even in the most severe frosts that are in these places reach 40–45 degrees. Traditionally any time of the year in locals bathed in this lake, and with the development of tourism, a pond became a place of pilgrimage for many tourists who even in winter they have the opportunity to sunbathe in swimsuits on the shores of warm lakes. In Tuva, in one of the Sayan gorges, temperature is year-round fluctuates between +17, +20 degrees. Residents of the surrounding kuzhuun (villages) from time immemorial at any time of the year graze in this gorge cattle, harvest medicinal herbs and roots. Northeast Of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the “pole of cold” is called Serebryanyi half a kilometer high, covered with a snow cap all year round, on which piercing wind is constantly blowing. In the summer heat, children the surrounding villages climb the hill to ride a sleigh or ski and play snowballs …
Water Time Climate Ice Age Birds Russia Siberia Snow Yakutia