A photo from open sources
The video below was received a few days back in one of the South American countries. Alas, the exact place The incident remains unknown to the Internet public. A random motorist was driving at night on a country road and suddenly saw on the sidelines a strange creature committing small jumping. The mysterious creature looked like a dwarf in the light robe and with long black hair.
Eyewitness capturing alleged devilry on camera smartphone, I immediately remembered the legend of the so-called Patasol. Patasola is a female monster of many folklore peoples of the Burning continent. According to local traditions, this the monster lives in the jungle and has only one leg, through which moves. Carnivorous creature attacks off the beaten path hunters and lumberjacks, supposedly devouring them with bones and clothes (not find no remains from people).
As you might guess, many web users turned out to be very impressed and even scared by these shots. Quite a few YouTube regulars, watching the video, thought it was actually talking about a supernatural phenomenon. However, there were doubters who have concluded that before us is merely monkey in a wig and a white cape. It remains to be hoped that skeptics are right, and similar horrors anywhere on our planet happens, and the legendary Potasola is nothing more than a fairy-tale hero local folklore.
However, on the other hand, what kind of monkeys can run at night, Yes, even so strangely dressed up? ..