People have been familiar with lethargic sleep for hundreds of years. But here is what interesting – the nature of this strange phenomenon, covered in mysticism, remains unsolved today. Of course, doctors, armed modern devices and technologies, trying to solve the riddle, but each time they come across conflicting facts. A strange disease In 1892, a very comic story. During the carnival, a respectable man suddenly became bad and he fell on the cobblestones. The poor man was brought home, laid on bed, called a doctor. Since neither pulse nor breath there was no accident, the Aesculapius ordered his relatives to prepare for the funeral. Even before the burial, numerous relatives of the deceased managed quarrel thoroughly because of inheritance, but during the funeral service the deceased suddenly came to life and rose from the tomb. Photos from open sources However, many people who have fallen asleep lethargic sleep, suffered a much worse fate. So with reburial of the old English cemetery it turned out that the skeletons in some coffins lay in unnatural poses (as if the deceased tried to break out, but could not). And such examples history knows a great many. Indeed, a man asleep lethargic sleep, to distinguish from the deceased is very difficult. Heartbeat slows down to two beats per minute, breathing becomes so imperceptible that does not leave a trace on the mirror brought to his mouth. Body temperature decreases, all body functions slow down in 20-30 times, the excretion of urine and feces is completely stopped. Well how here, please tell me, to distinguish a living person from a dead person. Hysterical hibernation Causes of lethargy have not been established to this day. day. Apparently, an attack can provoke various causes: severe nervous stress, fainting, shock, frenzy … Duration sleep can be different: from several hours to several years. The lethargic dream of our compatriot Nadezhda Swan recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. The girl fell asleep in 1954 after a serious quarrel with her husband, and woke up after 20 years. However modern medicine practically does not use the phrase “lethargic dream” in relation to this type of sleep, to it terms such as hysterical lethargy are used or hysterical hibernation. Forcibly withdraw from an attack of lethargy impossible, he ends as unexpectedly as he begins. Mental trauma causing an attack of lethargy can be very heavy or very insignificant, because people exposed hysteria, even minor troubles seem like the end of the world. Disconnecting from the outside world with its problems, patients unknowingly go into sleep. Be that as it may, scientists believe that lethargic sleep due to extreme weakness and extreme depletion of nerve cells brain that fall into a protective state “protective” braking. The body says: “I’m tired! Not touch me! “- and stops responding to any irritation. But examples of falling asleep do not really fit into this scheme lethargic sleep of children. What kind of nerve cell depletion in a young organism that has just begun its formation? Mass outbreaks cannot be explained by nervous exhaustion and “flashes”, driving into lethargic hibernation simultaneously several dozens of people. Numerous cases of this disease have been recorded in 1916 and in 1927 in France, in 1948 in Iceland. Dr. Russell Dale and Andrew Church, studying the stories of these diseases, found that many of the patients who fell into lethargic dream, sore throat. And that made them think about bacterial infection. Soon, all patients found a rare the form of streptococcus bacteria. From which scientists concluded that the bacteria that cause ordinary sore throat have changed and provoked a lethargic attack. “The immune system of some people, distracted by the attack of infection on the throat, misses parasite into the nervous system, the midbrain is affected, begins inflammation, “they wrote. The sleeping princess is sad. But lethargy often stops the process of physical aging. Beatrice Hubert, a resident of Brussels, slept for twenty years. Awakened from sleep, she was still young. True it’s a miracle did not last long, Beatrice in a year made up for her physical age and aged 20 years.
Photo from open sources In other words, waking up after perennial hibernation, the body begins to quickly catch up with calendar age. Such people grow old, as they say, by leaps and bounds, and by the clock. So, for example, Nazir Rustemov from Turkestan, which fell asleep in 1969 at the age of four, slept lethargic sleep sixteen years. After waking up she for several months formed into an adult girl. Do sleeping people see lethargic dreaming dream? Nazira claims yes. – In a dream, I talked with his ancestor Ahmed Yassawi, in whose honor in Turkestan built a large temple. He was the greatest mystic, scientist, spiritual healer and poet, lived in the XII century. We talked with him, walked around gardens. It was very good there … Nazira fell asleep with a lethargic dream, when she was four years old. Parents took the girl to the regional hospital, but a week later she stopped showing signs of life, and the doctors decided that the girl was dead. – The night after the funeral, my grandfather and dad heard in a dream a voice that informed them what they had done a serious sin, since they buried me alive. According to our customs, people Do not bury in tombs and do not bury them in the ground. The human body wrapped in a shroud and left in a special underground cemetery house. And the entrance is littered with bricks. Morning parents came after me and saw that the shroud was torn in some places, and my hands are scattered to the sides. It convinced them that I really alive. I was transferred to a research Institute in Tashkent, where I lay under a special cap until awakening. It’s amazing that the girl woke up from the telephone a bell ringing in the next room. She went to that sound and ended up in the nursing room. Doctors and nurses were in shock! It would seem that a person who has lain for several years without movement, body muscles should be fully atrophied. But the girl is not felt no discomfort. In addition, upon awakening, Nazira discovered unusual abilities: she’s telepathic I understood people and even animals, sometimes unexpectedly for myself she moved in space, could speak and write in different languages … That’s just every year waking up all these abilities faded away, and everyone began to use them harder and harder. Yes you, my friend, a yogi? As known, lethargic sleep of a natural, not traumatic or otherwise origin usually develops in hysterical patients. But in in some cases, healthy people are by no means hysterical, using special techniques can cause a similar condition. For example, Hindu yogis using self-hypnosis and breath holding, can voluntarily bring themselves into a state deepest and longest sleep, similar to lethargy. In 1893 Dr. Walter in his dissertation placed a translation from Sanskrit of one ancient Indian manuscript about exercises, using which yogis have caused a prolonged sleep. Exercises consisted mainly in the fact that a person gradually increased period of breath holding, and this entailed a temporary termination of consciousness. Lethargic sleep as a phenomenon very interested in academician Tarkhanov, who believed that something some Europeans managed to evoke a similar yogis dream – with the difference, however, that they didn’t practice stopping breathing, but in a delayed heartbeat. “It’s hard to imagine a heart or vessels obeyed the will, however, in medical literature citing cases indicating the possibility of such kind of. So, the British physiologists Bel and Chermak could optionally slow down your heartbeat. The literature mentions one English colonel, Townsend, as a subject, arbitrarily causing a cardiac arrest so long that he fainted from her. His body during such an experience was chilling, as if stiff, eyes were made motionless, and in the end consciousness completely disappeared. After For several hours of this state, he gradually came to his senses. For a long time, such sessions went off for him safely, but once, having performed with many witnesses an experiment of this kind, he died. “Needless to say, jokes with death, even “imaginary”, very dangerous … Before the invention of the electroencephalograph, recording brain biocurrents, the ability to be buried alive during the attack of lethargy actually existed. it it is not surprising, because with a severe form of the disease, the sleeping person does not give no sign of life, not in vain the meaning of the word lethargy is translated from Greek as “imaginary death” or “small life”. Daria CALM
Life time