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In the proposed documentary project “The Magic of Power” one of the key issues of our being is considered – what is power and why some people are endowed with it, while others must obey the mighty of this world.
It’s not difficult to notice that people with power are significantly less than all other earthlings. On the one hand, it’s kind of logically explainable and understandable, since all people simply cannot being rulers, on the other hand, it remains a mystery to select people, endowed with power.
But it turns out to be much simpler: people who are destined in this command life in crowds or even peace, have a special the genome of power. Only four have such unique genes. percent of the world’s population, it is these people who become then generals, presidents, big politicians, leaders top rank and so on. The rest, not endowed by nature such a unique gene, no matter how hard they try, at best can achieve the post of director or become a businessman of the middle hand – they are not capable of great things by their nature.
That’s why the nondescript corporal, quiet and inconspicuous, in the consequence becomes the great Fuhrer Adolf Hitler, voice which possessed such magical powers that people fainted and were ready to follow him for any crime. Funny lump glutton and drunkard Winston Churchill becomes the first person England, although in his environment were much more intelligent and decisive young people who themselves were surprised to see the fantastic the exaltation of his ridiculous and absurd comrade. Same thing can say about Stalin, Mussolini, Ronald Reagan and many others prominent figures who came to power, no matter how having this no special merits and rights. Turns out they just had the gene necessary for this, which subsequently made them actually bright, almost mystical rulers …
A photo from open sources
The film also addresses an interesting question, is it possible artificially create such a gene of power, endow them with certain personalities and thus stamp the rulers of the world? Traced the history of the origin of this gene on Earth. It turns out the first time he appeared about twelve thousand years ago and his carriers were residents of Hyperborea, whose descendants are Slavs and primarily Russians. That is why Russia destined to become the spiritual leader of the whole world.
However, modern puppeteers who are tricked and cunning seized power over the world, do not want to part with it, although understand well that the time of their reign through various tricks and deceptions (for example, by means of a paper dollar, invented usurious interest rate) comes to the end. Today they are doing their best to hide the truth from earthlings, withhold sacred knowledge about Atlantis, Hyperborea, about our alien origin, on the role of religions in enslavement of humanity. They are trying in every possible way to rewrite history and die out. from it everything that compromises themselves and their ideology. Exactly therefore, in the twenty-first century, the so-called archaeological war, when in many countries, for example, in Iraq, Libya, Syria and so on, under the guise of hostilities in the name of notorious democracy, artificially fomenting civil war the most valuable artifacts of antiquity, ancient libraries are destroyed, architectural structures …
A photo from open sources
As a rule, the shock force of these puppeteers is the United States, here why now relations between Russia and America have become aggravated. it far from accidental, and Ukraine in this conflict is only an excuse and distracting the attention of mankind from the true cause of the world struggle dark and light forces. But, as all prominent prophets of the earth claim, Russia will still win the battle, because it stands – the truth and spiritual leadership given to the Russians over…