Photos from open sources The proposed video shows the moment when the lion, who spent thirteen years in a tight cage, first released in a spacious aviary. It’s easy to guess how it feels. animal.
Strolling circuses and zoos are usually kept in terrible conditions, most often in such cramped cells. Wherein unfortunate lions, tigers, panthers, cougars and so on receive less food, are constantly bullied by their owners and gradually get used to the most rough treatment, closing in yourself – and only in their eyes can one read the terrifying longing and pain. Their destiny is to entertain the villagers for pennies, and therefore no one Don’t care how the miserable animal feels.
A lion named Will, who was torn from the captivity of a traveling circus and released into the spacious enclosure of the reserve, just not overjoyed such a will, although compared with real freedom – this is also a cage, albeit a big one. But what does a predator know about true freedom? Now he has at least some joy and a favorite pastime – to lie on the green grass and watch in the blue sky It is also small happiness after many years when your only world was tight cage.
Clarify that this is an old record. Captive Lion Will lived for his little pleasure in the Brazilian nature reserve Rancho dos Gnomos is still five years old and passed away in 2011. Passed away to believe almost happy. But how many more are these unfortunate animals travels across the expanses of our planet in roaming booths? It is no coincidence that this old record, which recently fell into the Russian-language The Internet is gaining fantastic popularity. And it is right. People, you can’t treat animals like that!
By the way, another rescued cougar from the clutches of the “predatory owners” of a stray zoo employees of the international organization for the protection of animals, today also found its little happiness in the reserve.