Among African tribes, Howick Falls is bad glory: not only locals, but some Europeans bypass his side. The truth is this does not apply to tourists, who are an ominous place attracts like a magnet, because according to an ancient legend under a picturesque waterfall in a huge pond lives a terrible snake Incanamba. The legend of the creepy snake Africa is still full of unsolved mysteries, it is here that cryptozoologists hope to find large animals still unknown to science, possibly even surviving dinosaurs. From different points of the Black Continent still come reports of meetings with a variety of monsters; is not with the exception of South Africa, where for hundreds of years local residents have been talking about the terrible monster that lives at the Howick Falls. Photos from open sources
According to legend, a thousand years passed from generation to generation of the Zulus tribe, in the pond near the waterfall there is a huge snake Incanamba. Zulu consider Howick waterfall sacred, for snakes lives here with the spirits of their ancestors, thanks to the monster spirits gain more strength to help their living descendants. It is curious that the Incanambiamba snake, according to legend, is not disembodied a being, on the contrary, is made of flesh and blood and needs food. Moreover many Africans claim to have seen a giant snake with their eyes. Once upon a time, even before the advent of white, the Zulus regularly fed the spirits of their ancestors and the snake endowing them with energy, throwing in lake of chickens and even sheep. However, this tradition was interrupted in 1956, when twelve women mysteriously disappeared from the shore at once they said that the Zuluq was dragged away by the Amathongo (ancestral spirits), others saw in this incident the machinations of a terrible serpentine creature, living in a pond. Since then ordinary africans are no longer they dare to come close to the shore, there are only sangomame shamans, healers and soothsayers. Chatting with Inkaniyamba supposedly increases their magical and healing abilities. True, and sangoma go to the lake only in case of emergency, when one must ask the spirits of the ancestors and the snake Inkaniyambu about something very important – the cessation of drought, epidemic or death of livestock. Even these representatives of the African magic elite do not feel on shore of the lake in complete safety. To avoid junk meeting the monster, they go ashore in the early morning when, according to their opinion, the snake is still sleeping. In addition, before the trip, they coat her body with specially prepared sacred clay, perhaps she not only repels the human smell, but also disguises them from monsters. During my stay on the shore of the sangoma tirelessly recite a prayer of guard; completing their mission, they immediately leave a dangerous place. Does the monster mesmerize people? About, that this place is actually sinister and dangerous, do not indicate only legends, but also real facts. At the Howick Falls at the most For various reasons, a lot of people died. Here happened a lot of suicides, about fifty people just disappeared without trail in the lake area. In 1888, a duel took place on the lake between two local Europeans, they managed to mortally wound each other, and in 1920 two workers fought near the waterfall, one one of them wanted to take away the diamond stolen from the mine from the other, both collapsed into the lake and drowned. There has never been any happy salvation, death took everyone who took the risk find yourself in the waters of the lake for one reason or another. It is worth noting yet one strange circumstance: the bodies of the dead did not emerge from the depths lakes for several days, and when they were finally found, they looked gnawed. However, this did not surprise local Africans, according to their According to him, these were the traces of the Incanambiamba feast. Rumors about a monster At the end of the 20th century, Howick decided to use it for business development. Visiting Irishman Robert Tiney. First he visited the waterfall, hiring for a large amount of local conductor. Thiney said that in he happened to observe the time of this campaign in the seething waters of the lake, almost beneath a waterfall, for a moment it seemed a large snake Incanamba’s head. The Irishman knew perfectly what income brings the Scots their “PR” Nessie, so I decided to try make big money on an african monster. The decision was extremely simple – organize excursions to the lake and waterfall and build a small restaurant right on the shore.
A photo from open sources
Local shamans dissuaded the Irish from this venture, but he, showing natural obstinacy, he decided to realize his venture. To begin with, he built a viewing platform above the waterfall, and after this started an advertising campaign, inviting tourists to take a look eyes on the waterfall and the lake in which the legendary monster lives. Those who wanted to stare at the monster were found, but those who wanted to accompany tourists among local residents even for a large reward not it was, Tineus had to draw labor from Durban. First everything it went well. Robert announced a reward of 1,000 rand per shot Incanambi and as a result got hold of two pictures in which you can it was to distinguish a kind of serpentine creature. There were these pictures fakes or real photographs are still unknown. However, the successful business at the monster did not last long, he ended up being one of the wealthiest tourists quite unexpectedly in front of his wife and children, he jumped over the railing of the observation deck and rushed into the waterfall … The tourist’s behavior was completely inexplicable, he was a rich and successful man, did not suffer from depression, and in his personal life was all right. Africans explained the suicide of the rich man by the fact that he saw the eyes of Incanamba and, mesmerized by the gaze of a snake, rushed into the waters to become food the monster. This story was widely covered in the African press, and wanting to see Howick and his monster blown away by the wind. Tiney suffered the collapse of his business, perhaps in 1996 he committed suicide or, under the hypnosis of a monster, rushed into a waterfall, his a gnawed body was found in the waters under a waterfall through a few days after the disappearance of the Irish businessman. Whether there is a real evidence? You can talk a lot about that whole the Zulu tribe could not be afraid of the terrible creature they invented and their legend was clearly based on some real creation, skeptics will still say: where is the real evidence the existence of the Incanambi? Of course, the testimony of Robert Tiney, who assured that he saw with his own eyes the legendary snake, it’s difficult considered real, because he could invent it, hoping to benefit from the sensation of seeing a monster. However here is the evidence completely uninterested person – working camping Johannes Hlongwan. In 1981, he said that he saw a giant serpentine creature, whose neck towered above the water on 10 meters! You can add that the rock paintings of the Bushmen, who lived in the area before the Zulus, also depict a snake-like monster, it can hardly be considered only random coincidence. Perhaps the most compelling evidence can be considered a mysterious impressive claw found on the banks of Howick, it is at least 9 centimeters long and clearly belongs to not a small creature. Scientists have not been able to identify the animal, which could would belong to a claw. It remains to be assumed that in the lake Howick Falls, which, incidentally, has a diameter of at least a kilometer and great depth, dwelt or still dwells still unknown animal scientists. Vitaly GOLUBEV
Waterfalls Water Time Life Snakes Monsters Shamans