The most dangerous killers of man

The most dangerous killers of manPhotos from open sources of

The short video below is shown Fifteen of the most dangerous killers for humans – in increasing order statistics of dead people from this or that predator.

However, these killers are far from all predatory animals, moreover, how statistics show, the most ferocious predators are just less dangerous for a person. For example, the same tiger in India or a lion in Africa kills a year no more than a hundred people, the same goes for the terrible sea ​​predator – white shark.

Of course, the combed crocodile has more victims – about thousands, but even this scary toothy alligator is significantly inferior to insects and flatworms, from which they die already tens of thousands of people a year.

A photo from open sources

However, the top three most dangerous killers of man are completely unpredictable “predators” – dogs, snakes and – in the first place – mosquitoes. Well, snakes – of course, among them are many poisonous, and they are distributed practically throughout the world, except perhaps in the Arctic and Antarctica. About mosquitoes, carriers of malaria and dengue fever, many know, but hardly guess the extent of the danger these terrible insects. But what about the dogs?

It turns out that from the bites of rabid dogs every year dies in the world about twenty to thirty thousand people, much more than from crocodiles and even flatworms. Of course, there are times when stray dogs even gnaw at people, especially children, but this still a rare occurrence, But death from rabies … And in this In the case most often, the victims themselves are to blame, who do not turn to the hospital for help on time.

A photo from open sources

The video below is not shown even more the terrible killer of a man that the author probably did not know about, – Candida fungus that causes cancer, and from cancer on our planet in About eight million people die a year. It’s not even for you the worst malaria mosquito living on a relatively small Earth’s territory. Candida fungus lives in every person, though until from time to time he seems to perform in our body some positive role (in nature there is nothing superfluous and random). But under certain conditions, candida starts quickly to grow, causing cancerous tumors.

Candida growth is suppressed easily with drinking soda, however orthodox medicine hides this from humanity, not wanting give up the trillions of dollar income that they receive pharmacists and cancer doctors ready to pay for life as much as you like. But cancer is easily prevented again with drinking ordinary soda, this can easily be found information on our website. However, people still die of cancer, and according to statistics, deaths from cancer every day only growing. It turns out that the main killer of man is not even a candida fungus, but our lack of education and … carelessness.

Snakes Insects Oncology Dogs

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