Рейтинг самых вредных продуктов Фото изOpen Source Nutrition Specialists Ranked the most harmful foods. Surprisingly, the list even got the most seemingly favorite foods by nutritionists. The thing is, that the harm of products was determined based on their ability to cause serious diseases, not just extra pounds. For instance, many ranked products often become causes poisoning and severe allergic reactions, but for healthy people quite safe. Rating experts also note that it all depends on the dosage. In small quantities, the intake of such food can be completely harmless and even useful. So here is how places were allocated. 1st place. Chips and soda
Due to the nature of cooking, a lot of chips are formed in the chips. carcinogens (that is, substances that provoke cancer). Plus, in them contains hydrogenated fats that contribute to increase in blood cholesterol, which in turn increases risk of heart attacks and strokes. As for soda, it’s too much a lot of sugar. Meanwhile, studies show that many people do not perceive fluid as a source of any nutrient substances, that is, they think that you can drink as much as you like. And this is not so – excessive intake of sugary soda can disrupt the metabolism substances. In addition, the abundance of dyes can cause strong allergic reactions, and carbon dioxide (these are bubbles) increases the acidity of the stomach, that is, causes gastritis.
2nd place. Fast food
The most harmful “fast food” is all kinds of whites, pasties, french fries, shawarma and generally everything that is fried. Because they fry it’s all in the same oil, it changes, God forbid, once a day. The result is all the same carcinogens.
3rd place. Sausage and smoked meats
Sausage sausage, of course, strife, but the one that most often we buy with you, contains more and more flavorings and colorants than meat. The main ingredients of cheap sausage products are synthetic, and their safety for health is not proven. Smoked meat and fish, although there is no doubt in their natural origin, ranked for high content carcinogens. Those are formed during processing as substances benzopyrene.
Mayonnaise is full of trans fats, which are carcinogenic and in addition cause an increase in cholesterol.
4th place. Vegetables and fruits, products with preservatives
Do not be surprised: even the most healthy and natural foods can become harmful if spoiled. In this case, vegetables go bad and fruits influenced by industrial emissions and fertilizers. Having eaten cucumbers grown near a highway or some plant, you teach a fair share of benzopyrene and other cancer-causing substances. As for preservatives, some may contain glutamate. sodium. Poisoning with this substance may occur. pains, spasms of blood vessels and even metabolic disorders. Exactly that’s why manufacturers are so proud of the words “No preservatives”, which put on the most prominent place labels.
5th place. Margarine, cakes and cereals
Margarine is a solid transgenic fat – the most harmful type fat. Accordingly, all products with its content are harmful. how the rule is cakes, cream cakes, puff pastry. Generally, excessive love for this saturated sugar and fat almost guaranteed metabolic disorders and excess weight. Cereals – in particular, white bread – were on the list because which often cause intolerance. The disease is called celiac disease and It occurs quite often – in 0.5-1% of the population. Symptoms range from bowel problems to diabetes and infertility.
6th place. Coffee and energy, milk
Only 2-3 cups per day – no more. Can drink so much an adult, without risking exhausting his nervous system. Energy drinks are generally better not to indulge in every day. Milk, like bread, is often an intolerable product. In severe cases, milk protein poisoning can even to death.
7th place. Homemade Preserves and Ice Cream
If you twist the cans according to all the rules, salted tomatoes and Cucumbers can be eaten without fear. But, unfortunately, some mistresses neglected elementary food safety. As a result homemade preparations cause poisoning, sometimes even deadly. Ice cream contains thickeners and flavorings, which can slow down the metabolism. And this is at least increased risk of excess weight.
8th place. Gummies, candy in colorful packaging, Chupa Chups
Contain a huge amount of sugar, chemical additives, dyes, substitutes, etc. In a word, no good. These sweets can trigger gastritis and other diseases gastrointestinal tract, as well as various diseases of the teeth and gums, which toothpaste manufacturers do not stop reminding us of on TV.
9th place. Chocolate bars
Think of Snikers or Mars right now. What are they made of? You say from nuts, caramel, nougat and chocolate. Not at all. In fact in fact – this is a huge amount of calories combined with chemical additives, genetically modified foods, dyes and flavorings. So the “benefit” of bars on the face …
10th place. Mayonnaise
Mayonnaise is full of trans fats, which are carcinogenic and in addition cause an increase in cholesterol. Mayonnaise is impossible, especially in plastic packaging. Do you know that vinegar secretes the most carcinogenic substances from plastic, which imperceptibly together with salads or dumplings fall into our stomachs. Mayonnaise contains a huge amount of preservatives and stabilizers.
Ketchup, various sauces and dressings, in a wide assortment presented at store shelves. They contain a huge amount of dyes and taste substitutes. List of harmful products If you will be asked to make a list of the most harmful products, why are you will you start? With coffee, cheese, meat and eggs? So you are held captive by stereotypes. For a long time these products were anathematized: a lot fats, calories, cholesterol … But then it turned out: the pros so a lot that they more than outweigh the cons.
Indulgence 1. Cheese Yes, most cheeses are high percentage of fat and calories, but at the same time they have a lot of calcium. also in this product has linoleic acid, which reduces the risk the occurrence of cancer, heart disease and diabetes. She also contributes to weight loss, as it does not put off fat. Tell me “YES”: fatty varieties with a strong aroma and rich taste, such like feta, parmesan, blue cheese. Even a small piece will be enough to get enough and have fun. Tell me NO: 18–20% low-fat cheeses. Such varieties, to Unfortunately, they are not tasty enough and almost odorless, which means They do not cause rapid saturation and can be easily overestimated.
Indulgence 2. Chocolate Do not trust those who claims that chocolate provokes headache and occurrence acne. There is no direct evidence of this. But it’s reliably known that cocoa butter thanks to its antioxidants protects against cardiovascular and oncological diseases. Do not be confused by the high content of fat in this product, because basically they are “good”, or monounsaturated, and do not increase the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood. If in minutes of sadness you involuntarily reaching for a bar of chocolate, do not rush to pull your hand. Chocolate stimulates the production of a special substance in the brain – serotonin, which is known to be responsible for a good mood. Say “YES”: dark chocolate. It is most useful since contains the largest amount of cocoa butter; Varieties with fragrant flavor additives. You can quickly get enough of them, and therefore save on calories. Say NO: Chocolate to bars with various fatty and sweet fillers, such like caramel, cookies, whipped cream with sugar. They are too much calories.
Indulgence 3. Milk Incredible, but true: milk, chocolate, cheese and other “harmful” products will help to lose up to 2 kg per month This is an amazingly rich source of calcium, but many women neglected because of fear of spoiling the figure. Meanwhile milk helps prevent osteoporosis a disease that leads to brittleness and thinning of bones and lower blood pressure as well fight overweight. Say “YES”: skim milk, in one glass of which contains only 80 kcal. If you are used to whole milk, first go to 2%, then to 1 % and only then on completely fat-free. Cook hot chocolate and various cereals in milk: this will give the dishes a pleasant creamy aftertaste and will allow you to keep a feeling of fullness longer. Say NO to milk soups, mashed soups and milk sauces, so how many fats and calories are in them.
Indulgence 4. Eggs Many women seek to reduce egg consumption because this product is rich in cholesterol Many women seek to lower egg intake because this product rich in cholesterol, but scientists believe that it’s saturated fats, and not cholesterol, are the main culprits of heart diseases. Eggs contain a low percentage of fat in 1 egg – less 5 g, in addition, they have lutein, which is necessary for preservation of vision. Say “YES”: poached eggs boiled in boiling water without shells, hard boiled or in a pouch – they contain cholesterol Little; Vegetable casseroles. It enters the body with vegetables fiber and a wide variety of nutrients. And adding in this dish spinach, you will increase the amount of lutein; Omelet from egg whites. If you remove the yolk, then cut number of calories. Say NO: scrambled eggs with bacon and sausages, and also biscuits with butter. These egg products do not are combined.
Indulgence 5. Beef You can deviate from the habit of eating chicken breast by cooking a good chop. Beef is great a source of protein, as well as zinc, iron and vitamin B12, is theirs to us more often than not enough. Say “YES”: to lean pieces in which contains not more than 4.5 g of saturated fat per 100 g; technology fast roasting and baking in the oven. These methods allow do with a minimum amount of fat. Say NO to meat on ribs – it contains twice as much fat and calories as in lean fillet.
Indulgence 6. Coffee Recent studies have proven insolvency allegations of the effects of caffeine on the occurrence and the development of heart disease. No point in giving up coffee in Turkish. Recent studies have proven bankruptcy allegations of the effects of caffeine on the occurrence and development of cardiac diseases, as well as an increase in blood pressure. This favorite many drink is able to alleviate allergy attacks, charge energy and improve concentration. Say YES: 2-3 cups coffee a day. Just do not overdo it with sugar and milk. Say NO: coffee with lots of sugar, cream, all kinds of additives in the form of chocolate, nuts, etc.
Indulgence 7. Nuts Nuts can be quenched for a long time hunger, and therefore lose weight. They are rich in monounsaturated. fats, which reduce the risk of heart disease. Can be nuts to satisfy hunger for a long time, and therefore to lose weight. Those who included them in your diet, for 6 weeks they lost an average of 4 kg, – this showed studies conducted in Boston. And part of magnesium helps with premenstrual syndrome: relieves swelling, relieves mood swings and headaches. Tell me “YES”: a small handful of nuts about 170 kcal. This amount enough to satisfy hunger between main meals or before bedtime; Salads, casseroles or other low-fat dishes with nuts – they enhance the taste and nutritional value of food. Say NO: nuts in dishes that are themselves rich in fats and calories, for example in chocolate cakes, ice cream, cookies. Harmful products for the stomach In Tibetan medicine from domestic diseases are considered the main diseases of the stomach. Their reasons are smoking, staying in damp and cold, drinking incompatible food; excessive overeating. Half the stomach should be filled with solid food, a quarter with liquid and a quarter with gases, that is, free of food. After eating solid foods should drink. Lean should eat after meals wine (or water before meals), full – after eating water with honey (1 glass of water 1 teaspoon of honey), the rest should drink water in food Time. With a weak stomach, it is recommended to eat meat and drink wine. It should be remembered that milk and fish are not compatible, milk with fruits trees, eggs with fish, pea soup with sugar and dairy products, chicken with sour milk. You can not eat sour, washed down milk, it is impossible to fry mushrooms in mustard oil, it is impossible after ghee drink cold water. Most stomach ailments are consequence of indigestion. The main cause of indigestion is regular overflow. If the appetite is good, the senses are clear, feces, urine and the gases leave freely, which means that both the body and the stomach are in order, all this goes to observance of nutritional measures and knowledge of all issues, regarding health. Very few of us now listen to the advice of nutritionists and doctors about tasty and healthy food. The rhythm of life makes us close our eyes to what we eat, and insight comes sometimes late. Therefore, in this publication will be presented the four most harmful products for our the stomach. In the first place, the food of the American police is donuts. Using this “culinary masterpiece” for breakfast, we undermine metabolism and run into the body the wrong food cycle. After all, premium flour, sugar and glaze, make up 99% of the donut, therefore, the nutritional value is reduced to almost zero. Second the place is occupied by students’ food: instant soups and varieties of vermicelli. But you need to know that each serving soup or noodles from the package adds about 14 grams of fat, more half of which is saturated fat, which is about two third daily rate of sodium. In revenge for a low price, soup fast food makes their lovers pay with health. Fast food is next in the list. All products in fast food restaurants are very high in calories and fat. Speaking in the language of numbers, fried fries, so beloved by everyone, getting on our plate after the deep fat fryer, contains about 380 calories and 20 gram of fat, which is quite a bit inferior to today’s “leader”. The conclusion of nutritionists. The use of fast food, in addition to a set of superfluous grams, is fraught with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes mellitus. It’s worth considering whether you are willing to pay such price for fast food? And closes the four leaders – ordinary mayonnaise. Remember, in one spoonful of mayonnaise fit 110 calories and 12 grams of fat, not to mention emulsifiers, stabilizers and flavoring additives. And where are the beneficial substances? Direct health depends on nutrition. It’s never too late to add to your diet adjustments and become healthier. The truth about harmful products The unexpected truth about meat, ice cream and barbecue: they are better than you think, says a nutritionist. Meat if everyone time when I hear from a woman that she was from the “red” meat to lose weight and become “healthy”, I would gain lamb leg, I could open a butcher’s shop. In fact, in lean “red” meat has less fat than chicken, especially fattened. Even 100 grams of chicken fed with corn contains 129 calories and 4.8 grams of fat, compared to 135 calories and just 4.5 grams of fat in a piece of lean meat of the same weight from rump of beef carcass. Moreover, beef tenderloin contains three times more lifting iron tone (which many lack women in the UK) and almost four times as much zinc necessary for immunity. But what about saturated fat, which clogs arteries? – you ask. Corn-fed Chicken Not much better. Nobody calls you to bite every day ham or brisket but red lean meat consumed several times a week can be a good addition to your diet. Ice cream Of course, if you will be every night in front of the TV to deal with a whole bowl of Ben and ice cream Jerry’s Cookie Dough, you are unlikely to benefit your health. But there’s no need to completely eliminate ice cream from your diet, trying to keep fit. Ice cream is slowly digested. In other words, it is processed in the stomach slowly and gradually saturates the blood with sugar, and therefore, unlike others desserts such as sorbets or puddings and whipped cakes cream, you can eat it a little, and you don’t want to. A regular ice cream ball weighing 75 grams contains only 114 calories and 6 grams of fat and is a better conclusion to dinner for those who follow the figure than a piece of cheese pie, containing 511 calories and a frightening 43 grams of fat. White Bread Trying to increase fiber intake, many of us go from white bread to bran bread, believing that it is more good choice. Thus, you really increase consumption fiber. While in a 50 gram slice of white bread contains 0.8 grams of fiber, in the same amount of bread with bran contains 2.5 grams of fiber (daily rate is 18 grams), which is very beneficial for your intestines. But white bread superior to other varieties in mineral content. It’s because since World War II all flour for making white bread in the UK is saturated with calcium and iron, and B vitamins – B1 and nicotinic acid. Therefore white bread contains as much bone good calcium as bread with bran. And here there is an interesting nuance: since white bread contains less fiber, the body absorbs more calcium, so how fiber interferes with calcium absorption. So if your the family will decisively refuse bread with bran, you can leave your worries about a healthy lifestyle, as this failure will also have dietary significance. Creamy oil I could never understand why everyone wants to replace mouth-watering piece of butter whipped from milk onto a mixture oils of industrial production, artificially weighed to the state of margarine. Well, if you have a high level by nature cholesterol, that makes sense. But on the other hand, 10 grams a piece of oil, which is enough to cover with a thin a layer of two pieces of bread, contains 8 grams of fat, of which 5 grams are saturated fat. It’s about a quarter the daily rate of fat for a woman and about one sixth for a man. If you consider that the same amount of fat is contained in a small servings of latte from the coffee shop, then going to a cappuccino without foam, you you can safely return to your toasts with butter for breakfast or sandwiches for lunch. Another good news is oil is one of the few foods containing vitamin D (fish oil too contains it). Dark yellow oil, which is prepared from milk of cows fed on grass rather than hay contains an antioxidant beta-carotene, good for the lungs and heart. Barbecue Barbecue, which is more associated with undeveloped taste than with a healthy lifestyle, hardly worthy of positive reviews. However, barbecue is one of the healthiest dishes on the menu. fast food restaurants. Standard portion of lamb kebab contains 232 calories and 6 grams of fat (even less than the same portion of chicken kebab), as well as a set of healthy minerals, including iron. Order an extra serving of salad – and you can include it in your five fruits or vegetables a day program. However, a solid serving of garlic sauce served with kebab, spoil the rainbow diet picture. It’s simple garlic mayonnaise with a tablespoon of 207 calories and 22 grams of fat (compared to a standard hamburger from McDonald’s, containing 250 calories and 8 grams of fat, will appear more reasonable alternative). Eat it with chicken skewers, and you will not be mistaken.
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