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Because of the bucket
Two Italian cities – Modena and Bologna in 1325 began between themselves a war over the most ordinary and nothing remarkable bucket. Events unfolded as follows: escaped from his hometown to Modena cavalryman, took with him also a bucket owned by the city of Bologna. On the way to the deserter gave him a horse, without even knowing what the consequences were will have his petty theft. In just a few days to Modena Bologna appeared, who said that on the escaped horsemen they by and large, do not care, but the bucket will have to be returned. Modesty ignored the request of the envoys, and between the cities broke out the war, which lasted almost 22 years and took several thousand lives. Bologna, who lost the war, failed to return yourself an unfortunate bucket from which it all began.
In 1500, the Ottoman Empire started a war with Venice over beards. Concluding a peace treaty with Venice, the Sultan asked a foreign ambassador swear by eastern tradition a beard. Ambassador answered that he had nothing to swear, since the Venetians, unlike Turks are shaving. The Sultan, enraged by the impudence of the Italian, said that if the inhabitants of his city shave their beards, then they look like monkeys. It is clear that the Venetians insulted to the core declared war on the Ottoman Empire, but were defeated by the Turks, so and without waiting for an apology.
In 1653, when the Commonwealth and Sweden signed peace agreement, the king of Sweden, reading the treaty, was outraged that after his titles the final words “and other” were repeated only twice, and after the titles of the head of Poland – three times. It became the occasion for a new war that lasted five years, and in which proud Sweden won.
Behind Jenkins ear
At the beginning of the 18th century, Spain and Great Britain unsuccessfully tried to divide the islands in the Caribbean and each country waiting for a reason to declare war on the opponent. Such a case introduced himself in 1738 to the British: sailor named Bob Jenkins complained to the government about the injustice of the Spanish captain, who cut off his ear for some minor offense. Jenkins even presented to the members of parliament that cut off ear that he after the end of service in damn spanish he kept the galleon for seven whole years, in the hope that he would succeed sew back. Without thinking twice, the British government announced the war of Spain. Reason: insulting a subject of the British Empire, and this despite the fact that the insult was inflicted for many years back. As a result, the Anglo-Spanish War ended in 1742 year, was called the “Jenkins War for the Ear.” There are no winners in it it turned out that both sides were left with nothing.
Due to hit by a fan
In 1827, during a meeting of a French diplomat with a ruler Algeria, the latter, infuriated in a dispute, his fan hit the ambassador in the face. Then the Frenchman did not pay attention to such petty nonsense, but three years later this episode served France occasion to occupy Algeria.
Because of the hives
In 1830, two American states – Missouri and Iowa almost started a war among themselves over an inaccurately defined border. Neighbor State Tax Collectors Arrive in Iowa village and demanded that residents pay according to the law of the state of Missouri. On the this is the residents answered that they live in another state and refused to pay tax. Then the Missouri tax collectors piled up some trees with beehives, and, taking honey, left settlement. After the interstate relationship is noticeable worsened, and very soon mobilization began in them. And all would ended with a new war if the governments of both territories hadn’t agreed that the start of hostilities because of this misunderstanding, stupid. But the diplomatic conflict still managed get the name “Hive Wars” in American history.
In 1925, on the border between Bulgaria and Greece, in the city Petrich, a Greek soldier accidentally entered the territory of a neighboring states when trying to catch a stray dog that he wanted caress. The young man did just a few rash steps and came under fire from the Bulgarian border guards. Next day, in revenge for the death of a comrade, the Greeks brutally dealt with employees of the Bulgarian outpost. The war between Greece and Bulgaria is not started only thanks to the League intervening in time for conflict Nations, analogue of the current UN.
When the Honduras team lost in the 1969 football match the national team of Salvador, both states tore apart diplomatic relations and began the mobilization of troops. This war lasted only six days, but managed to carry away several thousand human lives, and was discontinued only with intervention United Nations International Court of Justice.
Due to “Google Maps”
Between Costa Rica and Nicaragua is a narrow strip of land, which for more than a hundred years has been the cause of disputes between the two states: decide to whom it belongs, the governments of these countries can not. In 2008, “Google Maps” unexpectedly attributed on their maps this territory to the state of Nicaragua. Nicaraguans, considering this a sufficient reason for appropriating the controversial plot of land, immediately moved their border and transferred there garrison of soldiers. Costa Rica, in turn, which has no army, gathered police units near the border. Representatives Google apologized to both states, explaining that cartographers simply made a mistake by moving a few kilometers the border. After hearing this, the Nicaraguans refused to withdraw their troops back. As a result, they are still controversial. territory, and the conflict between states continues.
War Life