A photo from open sources
Daily sea open spaces plow tens of thousands of different ships, submarines and ocean liners. However sometimes traveling on the water end truly tragically! Your attention the most terrible shipwrecks of all time sailing. “MV Wilhelm Gustloff” Photos from open sources
In the last days of World War II, a German hospital ship MV Wilhelm Gustloff sailed for his last flight from Gdansk (Poland), following to the port of Kiel (Germany). Aboard ship officially there were 6050 people, however, based on the evacuation nature of the flight, on board was a significantly larger number passengers, including German refugees. The military estimates historians, the ship carried 10,582 people, including crew members. January 30, 1945 in the Baltic Sea, a Soviet submarine attacked “MV Wilhelm Gustloff”, hitting him with four torpedoes below waterlines. Panic among passengers caused some lifeboats were damaged even before launching, and those boats that were lowered overturned due to overload. Cold nights and icy water were the last fatal factors which resulted in the death of literally a few minutes 9400 the person making the disaster “MV Wilhelm Gustloff” itself deadly in the history of navigation. “Donya Paz” Photos from open sources
December 20, 1987 in the area of the island of Marinduke Filipino passenger ferry “Donja Paz” collided with an oil tanker “Vector”. A vessel intended to carry a maximum of 1,424 people at that time, at least 4,500 passengers were transported, including illegal and free riders. The clash was so strong that the ferry sank within two hours. A sea teeming with sharks consumed 4,375 people, making this disaster the largest marine tragedy that occurred in peacetime. Tragedy Halifax Bay
A photo from open sources December 6, 1917 French caboter “Mont Blanc”, to the top loaded with explosives, collided in the harbor the Canadian city of Halifax with the Norwegian cargo ship Imo. In a collision, a Mont Blanc fire occurred, which provoked the most powerful explosion of the pre-nuclear era. Part of the port and almost 2 square kilometers of the inhabited part of the city were destroyed, about 750 were killed under the debris and injured more 9000 people. Frost and snowstorm made it difficult to rescue the wounded, therefore, by the end of December, the death toll from the tragedy reached 2000 people. Tech Sing
A photo from open sources In 1822, the Chinese sailing ship Tech Sing “ran aground en route to Indonesia. The ship was heading towards Dutch colonies, on board were 200 crew members and about 1,600 Chinese immigrants. Sailing the next day near the crash site the ship discovered and saved about 200 human. The rest died trying to escape on boats. This the tragedy became the largest of marine disasters in China, and the ship The Tech Sing has since been called the Titanic of the East. “Le Joola” 1863 people died when September 26, 2002 off the coast of the Gambia rolled over the Senegalese ferry “Le Joola”. Stormy sea and significant overload caused the ship to completely disappear under water for a few minutes. Only 64 people survived. “Titanic”
Photos from open sources
The death of the Titanic became the most famous shipwreck in the sea stories. On the night of April 14, 1912, a passenger airliner extra-class “Titanic” during his first flight collided with iceberg in the atlantic ocean. Not all passengers realized the high degree of danger, rescue boats were not completely filled. When the ship went under water, many people were killed banal hypothermia from ice water. Disaster died 1514 people.
Water Time Titanic