In his new book, Bestiary of the 21st Century, English scientific journalist Caspar Henderson has compiled a list of the most unusual animals looking at which it’s hard to believe that they exist on really. According to The Telegraph, Henderson said that many of the creatures that appeared during evolution possess qualities that really surprise you should only pay attention to them.
A photo from open sources © Ewan Chesser | Honey badger or honey badger (Mellivora capensis). It lives in Africa India, Southeast Asia. Has a reputation for fearless and even cruel animal. It got its name because of a tendency to attacked by bee hives – it spreads a suffocating smell, which helps calm insects. Brownie Shark or goblin shark (Mitsukurina owstoni). This shark lives in the ocean canyons at a depth of more than 90 meters. It is ancient and poorly studied. deep shark reaching a length of 4 meters.
A photo from open sources
© Tokyo Sea Life Park / Handout | Reuters Axolotl or Mexican Ambistoma (Ambystoma mexicanum). These salamanders were found in the area of Lake Jochimilco in Central Mexico. Pink skin, a big head and a smile give them a resemblance to a human appearance. Pink frills on the head – external gills. A photo from open sources
© Kazakov Maksim | Yeti Crab (Kiwa hirsuta). These creatures were found only in 2005 in the area. hydrothermal springs in the ocean at a depth of more than 2 kilometers, 1,500 kilometers south of Easter Island. They got their name because of the long hairy forearms which are actually are front claws nearly twice the length body. A photo from open sources
© Ifremer / A. Fifis | Wikipedia Nautilus (Nautilus spp.). These strange-looking creatures are the only living members a family of cephalopods that have an outer shell. They are real living fossils: similar to the first cephalopods mollusks that appeared 500 million years ago, nautilus remained unchanged for millions of years. A photo from open sources
© bluehand | The Thorny Devil or the Moloch Lizard (Moloch horridus). The spikes on the back of this lizard, very similar to dragon, in addition to self-defense are used to collect and preserve moisture (dew) – in the dry Australian climate where lizards live, it an important aspect of survival. Animals grow up to 20 centimeters per length and live up to 20 years, eating insects. A photo from open sources
© Janelle Lugge |
Sharks Insects