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There are treatments that are either not yet accepted. official medicine, or already rejected by it. Most of them refers to traditional medicine.
The most unusual treatments
Spanking on the buttocks, as established at the Novosibirsk Research Institute of Hygiene, This is an essential remedy. With such a sensational statement Siberian scientists spoke at the international conference “New methods of exposure and rehabilitation in narcology. “The meaning of this, if so to speak, “physiotherapy” is as follows – alcoholism, drug addiction, neurosis and obsessive desire to reduce abacus is all attempts to get away from problems, loss of interest in subsistence. The reason, according to researchers, is decreased production of the so-called “hormones of happiness” in the body – endorphins. And if such a person is properly roused, Of course, without causing injury, he will have a taste for life. TO the doctrine came to the healing effect of porcotherapy, having become acquainted with old treatises, when “every nonsense “- from illegal behavior and bad thoughts to psychoses and pneumonia. The discoverer of this method S. Speransky self-flagellation saved himself from depression, as well as from the consequences two heart attacks. WHEN URINE KILLS IN THE HEAD It is believed that what came out of the body as waste, re-ingestion can not be, at least immediately. Urine and feces are good fertilizers. Each agronomist will tell you about this. But not one of the summer residents will dare to use them inside. Even ours astronauts categorically refused a device that would processed their urine into sterile water at a space station for drinking. Disgust, squeamishness were the main cause of failure. Nevertheless, supporters of urinotherapy believe that drinking their urine heals from malignant tumors, heart diseases, allergies, diabetes, asthma and a dozen other diseases. In my conviction they refer to the ancient medical treatise of India – the notorious Ayurveda … But there is an even more extreme type of treatment – this calotherapy, which, according to its supporters, helps from many diseases. The origins of this are also found in Indian manuscripts. IN India, for example, is still believed to be a cow tortilla, pressed to a non-healing ulcer is the best medicine because The cow is a sacred animal. Use therapeutic properties and own feces. For example, the following recommendation touches modern calotherapists: “Never use liquid fecal masses, since the acid-base balance is disturbed in them, use for ingestion exclusively your morning feces, which can be frozen in reserve, and before eating to heat in the microwave … “DELIVERY FROM DISEASES WITH HELP FISH AND INSECTS Maggots are the larvae of flies that develop in rotting garbage. These creatures are instinctive in everyone. disgust except fishermen for whom maggots are the best bait. In addition, the maggot itself does not smell, but its habitat … Since ancient times, it is known that the larvae of flies are able to cleanse purulent wounds, as they eat dead tissue. This method was forgotten, however, recently interest in maggot therapy animated as pathogenic bacteria resistant to antibiotics, which gluttonous maggots are happy to eat. Moreover, the method itself is simple and cheap. Since 2004 treatment infected wounds with larvae of flies officially authorized in the US and in a number of other countries, but for our country this is still exotic. A fundamentally close method of curation is spa-fish. So called therapy of skin diseases with the help of small fish, like guppies that eat dead tissue on human skin surface. The method has been used for centuries Southeast Asia, and only in the last decade has it become spread all over the world. Man comes in special salon, lowering its legs into the pond or immersed in it completely, and Garra Rufa’s little fish begin to gently nibble his body. This procedure is pleasant and completely painless. Besides cosmetic effect, these fish help to fight such diseases like psoriasis, eczema and epidermophytosis of the feet. Teeth there are no fish, and they eat only the topmost, already keratinized, layer of skin without touching healthy tissue. SLIMMER FOR SLIMMING Today, for many women, it is fashionable to be thin. Restricting Yourself in Food and many hours of physical exercise help, but not everyone like because they are unpleasant and even painful. But at the beginning of XX century appeared miraculous pills that did not suppress appetite and did not cause indigestion, but had excellent action in sense of weight loss. The fact is that these pills included eggs tapeworms. Recall that a tapeworm is a tapeworm, a parasite, living in the small intestine of man and some warm-blooded animals. The length of this worm reaches 10 meters or more. is he eats the same as the person, absorbing food the entire surface of his body in such a way that only the most a small part. At first, no one noticed that the larvae tapeworms penetrate the blood, settling in the liver, lungs, head the brain. Moreover, they cannot be removed from there. For now, information about this have not reached the consciousness of consumers, a means to lose weight with tapeworms were in great demand. LAUGHTER THERAPY This the unusual method is gradually gaining more and more supporters. IN India, for example, today there are several hundred special clubs, where they come for the sole purpose of having fun from the heart, In in our country this role is played by various television shows, performances of comedians, comedy films, etc. Today it is scientifically proven that any laughter starting from a silly giggle from tickling and ending with a laugh from some intellectual joke, prevents and neutralizes stresses, improves heart function and blood vessels, activates the metabolism and, in general, prolongs life. In time of laughter, regardless of its causes, in a person occurs the production of endorphins that enhance mood and vitality tone. It is proved that cheerful and cheerful people live longer and less infectious diseases. This was noted by Hippocrates, but modern medicine, more focused on the reception of various chemicals, I almost forgot about it. Classic example the healing role of laughter – American Norman medical history Cousins, who was diagnosed in 1972 spondylitis. This disease in 100% of cases led to complete immobility due to disruption of the joints. However cousins was optimistic. Having read somewhere that bad thoughts lead to disease, he began with all his might to strive to eliminate and prevent them from him. All day he watched on TV comedies and humorous transmission. Gradually the pains ceased to torment him, and his mood began to rise. Moreover, the inflammatory process in the body went to waned. Some more time passed and he began for real enjoy life by stopping the use of drugs. So a new discipline arose – gelotology (from the Greek “gelos” – laughter), and in serious medical institutions began to appear clowns. In 1998, in the USA, based on these events, which led to the creation of a new therapeutic technique, the film “Healer” was created Adams. “THERAPY BY HEROIN AND MERCURY In the 19th century it was widely common syrup for children, eliminating cough and pain. Medicine turned out to be so effective that it almost replaced all others methods of treatment, until they noticed something was wrong – many children who gave this “syrup”, for some reason they were dying. When subjected the contents of the drug a detailed check, it turned out that he contains morphine, chloroform, codeine, heroin, opium and hash. Naturally, the method was immediately banned … Today everyone knows that mercury Is poison. But in the old days, they used pure mercury to treat gut twisting, syphilis, tuberculosis, rheumatism and a dozen different diseases. To do this, you had to drink somewhere around a glass of mercury. Known that in the 4th millennium BC. e. mercury in China was also used to treat leprosy. And Taoist monks used cinnabar (mercury compound) as part of its elixir of longevity. In this case, the symptoms of poisoning mercury – such as a crawling sensation (paresthesia), trembling fingertips and sweating, they understood as an indicator the effectiveness of the drug. No wonder many wards soon were dying. The problem, as they say, disappeared with death the patient. Ointments containing mercury compounds, limited used in modern medicine, but gradually replaced less dangerous prescriptions. So, for example, the notorious flying (gray mercury ointment) was very popular in the countryside of our country in the postwar years as an excellent remedy for lice. But today its production is discontinued. ORIGINAL WAYS REMOVAL FROM SNORP Everyone knows what snoring is and how it is complicates the lives of all those who sleep with snoring in one or even next room. Here we will not touch on specific reasons, why this or that person snores. Let us dwell only on the most unusual methods of getting rid of snoring. So, for example, it was it is noted that a person snores more often when sleeping on his back, and therefore it was proposed to fix a solid ball between the shoulder blades so that avoid this pose. Special suction cups for tongue so that it does not sink back and does not act like a tongue in clarinet, by its vibration causing snoring, etc. For the same purpose tried to apply various, first electric, and then electronic devices. One of the most interesting fixtures there was a combination of a microphone and an amplifier with headphones worn in front sleep on the head of a snore. For this, a hearing aid was used to hearing loss – a person woke up from his own snoring, sounds which, amplifying many times, were transmitted to his ears. FROZEN TREATMENT They know about treatment with warming and heat many. An example is a sauna and a Russian bath, with which get rid, for example, of radiculitis. As for healing properties of cold, many people hear about it for the first time. Meanwhile, such the technique exists. It was first used in the Czech Republic, in a spa the town of Teplice nad Bečvoy, creating a special refrigerator for people, or cryocamera, with a temperature of minus 160 degrees. Patient put in this freezer stripped naked and just for 2-3 minutes. For this short time, he does not get even a slight frostbite, but in as a result of repeated stays in artificial frost rid him of allergies, hypertension, skin diseases, neurosis, sinusitis, depression and a number of joint and muscle ailments. A similar anti-sauna treatment is available in some clinics. our country.
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