Photos from open sources There are no miracles in the living nature surrounding us! Today we We will tell you about the most unusual trees in the world, much more fantastic than the most fantastic stories. So look, read and be surprised.
Australian bottle tree
These trees (their second name is Brachihiton cave) grow in the east of the australian continent. Trunk of this wood really resembles a bellied bottle in shape. In height the plant reaches 15 meters and can have a three-meter diameter.
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Australia is one of the driest places on our planet, and her plant world has adapted to life in harsh conditions. TO For example, brachychitons accumulate moisture inside themselves, and it’s therefore their trunks look like thick bottles, and the branches grow very high.
Locals use all parts of the bottle tree – from it roots to seeds: dark green succulent leaves feed livestock, and the roots and seeds of young plants are eaten. Besides, trees give people a very sweet and delicious juice that accumulates in special cavities of the upper part of the trunks.
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In the dry Australian climate the most important part brachychiton is a trunk – a living reservoir of drinking water. Her locals skillfully extract from bottle trees.
Huge sequoia Wawona Tree in the USA
The Wawon Tree is a giant sequoiadendron, grown in yosemite american national park and collapsed to the ground in 1969. under the weight of snow on its branches. The age of this giant reached, according to scientists, up to 2100 years. Sequoia had incredible dimensions: its height was 71.3 m, and the diameter of the base of the barrel – 7.9 m.
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The passage in the tree was made in 1881. – in the place where once lightning hit. The resulting tunnel quickly turned into tourist attraction. With the development of vehicles especially popular were photos of people driving through a tree on cars. The amazing tunnel was 2.1m wide, 2.7m high 7.9m long!
After the fall of sequoia, controversy erupted over what to do with it further. In the end, it was decided to leave Uavona in the same place: such a massive tree trunk can create its own, albeit a small ecosystem for many plants as well as insects and small animals.
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Interestingly, the Wawona Tree still attracts tourists, next to it is a plate that says “Fallen tree tunnel. ”
Cambodian tetrameles
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These picturesque trees, reminiscent of oaks or centuries-old sequoias, grow at the Ta Prohm temple in Cambodia, creating the impression that people did not fully conquer this temple from the jungle. Merging with towers and walls, they seem to flow around buildings, hug with their roots and branches. It seems like stone and wood mutually penetrate, flow into each other, becoming one whole …
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Hyperion in America
This name was given to the highest (according to 2015) living a tree on Earth. Hyperion is an evergreen sequoia growing in California Redwood National Park. Height of this tree is 115.61m (again for 2015), the volume is approximately 530 cubic meters, age – 700-800 years.
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Every year, Hyperion grows by 2.5 centimeters. Compared to other very large trees, this figure is not too high. Scientists explain this fact by the fact that the upper part of the trunk was damaged by woodpeckers, making Hyperion’s growth slower.
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As a rule, very tall trees grow in the central part valleys where water is contained in the greatest amount (for example, the first tree by mass and volume on the planet – sequoia general Sherman). Hyperion, in contrast to them, grows on a slope, which arouses even greater respect for this evergreen giant.
Crooked Forest in Poland
Not far from the Polish city of Gryfino is located in the highest the degree of unusual Crooked Forest, which was planted in 1930. The uniqueness of this forest is that about 400 of its trees have 90-degree bending of trunks at the base. In addition, all the curves the pines are curved towards the north and do not grow to standard height. Despite many versions about the reasons for this phenomena, scientists today can not unequivocally interpret nature a unique phenomenon …
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African baobabs
Baobab, or Adansonia, palmate, is the most long-lived tree on Earth, so it is also called the tree of life. In the very in fact, a plant whose “century” is from 5 to 10 millennia, probably knows the secret of longevity!
Baobab also has other names, one of them is “inverted tree. “Indeed, dropping the foliage in the drought season, it looks as if some giant stuck a tree into the ground with a crown, and his the roots were upstairs.
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The baobab has edible fruits resembling small melons in shape. This is a favorite treat of monkeys, so the following name baobaba – “monkey breadfruit.”
Africans make extensive use of all parts of this giant, including a delicious drink similar to lemonade is brewed from the pulp of its fruits, why they call baobab, among other things, “lemonade tree. ”
Adansonia has one amazing feature: over time, it becomes hollow inside. Locals are aware of this and use trees in a very original way. For example, the most The largest baobab on the planet grows in South Africa, at Sunland Farm. In 1933 the owner of the farm built a small cafe in the trunk of the tree, capable of accommodate two dozen people. There are no hang-ups from visitors since
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Africans arrange food storages in baobabs and even own bedrooms. Sometimes, next to the road you can see a tree with a door and a window – a haven for tired travelers. Residents Zimbabwe went even further by equipping a mighty baobab in the trunk the premises of the bus station, but in Botswana there is a baobab prison.
The Tree of Life in Bahrain
This landscape evokes a feeling of reverent awe. Ten-meter mesquite tree grows lonely among the sultry sand desert, being a symbol of vitality and fortitude, almost 4 centuries! And scientists are still wondering: where this long-lived giant “gets” water if the aquifers in this region are located on the reach of plants deeper?
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Be that as it may, a mesquite challenging the harsh desert conditions with hot sun and 50 degree heat, wins an impressive victory in this battle.
Giants Water Life Plants