The mysterious phenomenon of a rolling ball

The mysterious phenomenon of a rolling ballPhotos from open sources of

The rolling ball phenomenon is inexplicable a phenomenon characteristic mainly of the post-Soviet space. In the West, few people know about him. And therefore a foreigner sincerely surprised when he hears about this anomaly from our compatriots or himself unexpectedly encounters her, spending night in some panel “Khrushchev” on the outskirts of the city.

“Yes, you have a real ghost on the floor above,” reports in the morning to the owners a poorly slept foreign guest. And it seems to be speaks jokingly, but one can see from the eyes that he is in no small measure puzzled. Foreign residents in general are accustomed to the maximum comfort in everyday life and, almost what’s wrong, immediately declare the presence in the house come from the other world. Maybe that’s why jokes like that on their lips sound a little tense …

Little city riddle

This phenomenon occurs, as a rule, in old panel houses, however, some claim to have encountered him in brick buildings. The phenomenon is that man wakes up late at night from distinct sounds, presumably issued by a metal ball falling on a flat surface, which then bounces a few times and rolls back into side. When woken up, it always seems like action with a ball going up one floor.

A photo from open sources

Of course, it immediately comes to my mind that the ball fell on the floor of neighbors living on top. However, why does he produce such sounds like there is no flooring in their apartment? AND why in the dead of night when all normal people sleep? how a metal ball manages to spontaneously “jump” at night on floor? And finally, what to think of someone who lives on the top floor and above it is only an attic and a roof with antennas? ..

Such cases are far from singular, witnesses to the phenomenon rolling ball – a huge variety. Worth the next one write about your observations on some forum, like others users recall that they also once encountered a similar phenomenon. Commentators share with each other in detail through their experience, they argue vehemently, put forward their own theories (sometimes supernatural), but they don’t come to consensus. Are moving forward various hypotheses however reveal this secret once and for all to anyone so far failed.

Was there a ball?

The most popular version is that everything is to blame. temperature stress in reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures.

It is, in particular, about reinforced concrete slabs and other ceilings having air voids. In the daytime these structures are heated and deformed due to thermal extensions. Voltage appears in the reinforcing cage – metal rods are slightly compressed or bent. (Strength the building does not suffer from this, since such deformations provided by builders.)

A photo from open sources

And when night falls, the house cools down – and the temperature of concrete designs falls. At this point, relaxation can occur dramatically. fixtures that will sound to people below like a drop heavy ball on a hard surface. What follows is an oscillatory returning the metal to its original position – and here is the surprised tenant you can already hear that the phantom ball has rolled somewhere.

Sound propagation is promoted as a material of structures (anyone who lives in a panel house will confirm this property to you reinforced concrete), and the abundance of voids in it. Together these factors generate the so-called acoustic resonance.

Why relaxation of reinforcement in a separate floor is only audible to those under it? Firstly, in every apartment on the floor there is some kind of covering: carpet, linoleum, parquet or chipboard. Flooring and absorb this noise for people on top. And secondly, the ceiling is for premises with a kind of membrane or “sound mirror”, reflective sounds just like a mirror reflects light rays.

A photo from open sources

In favor of this theory is the fact that the phenomenon a rolling ball usually appears at a time of year when the difference between daytime and nighttime temperatures is especially great.

By the way, in houses with wooden floors, this phenomenon observed even more often, but the sounds there are different. When wood cools down, residents can hear loud creaks, sighs in silence, steps and other acoustic attributes of “haunted houses”.

Other explanations for the phenomenon

There are other versions that explain this phenomenon. So, some people think it’s all about welding spatter and slag, which remain in the heating pipes after construction and repair. Water drives this garbage along horizontal sections of pipes, however, it is too heavy to climb vertically risers. Therefore, the garbage in them supposedly throws up and twists in every possible way. If a large ball from welding “successfully” falls into the bend, it may to rattle there for six months or more, until constant friction will turn it to dust.

A photo from open sources

Others explain this phenomenon by the noise of a failed elevator, the sounds of neighbors opening and closing wardrobes from above, the tricks of rats living in the walls and so on. Despite this, a falling ball is heard and where there is no elevator and cabinets with wheels, and no one has ever seen rodents. Some think what is a cat or dog in the apartment upstairs playing at night with any metal objects. Needless to say that such people are very surprised when they find out that their neighbors don’t have no pets.

Of course, there are also mystical hypotheses on this subject, and in a wide variety. Ghosts, aliens, brownies, gnomes and drummers – who are not to blame “born in the USSR” in nightly tricks with a ghostly ball! ..


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