The mystery of green children

The mystery of green childrenPhoto from open sources

In the UK, in the county of Suffolk, you can visit the village Wolfpit, known as the settlement where a wolf hole was caught last gray predator and as a place where in the twelfth century strange green children appeared.

This event is described by historian William Newburgh, who, firstly, it was famous for its objectivity, and secondly, immediately warns in his book that at first he himself did not believe in this a fantastic story, but a thorough investigation by him, confirmed: it was so.

How green children appeared

This happened in the summer of 1173, when in the midst of harvesting wheat in front of the peasants, a girl of about ten years old suddenly crawled out of a wolf hole and a boy of about seven. They were strange in everything. Firstly, the children were green from head to toe, starting from their clothes and ending with color skin and hair. Secondly, they tried to say something, but their language was not familiar to rural workers.

Later, when the children were taken to Richard de Keln, the local the landowner, very kind and very educated, it turned out that he doesn’t know what language these “little frogs” speak. But even more striking was the fact that green children had never seen human food, and therefore, despite the hunger, they refused her. Attracted them from the proposed only beans, on which they literally pounced.

Photo from open sources

But gradually green children got used to normal food, more the more they consumed it, the less they differed from ordinary children. The green color of the skin and hair disappeared, girl and the boy eventually turned into blondes with blue eyes.

World of green men

True, the boy soon died, but the girl remained in charge Richard de Keln, received a good education and later went getting married. After baptism, she began to be called Agnes, her husband became Richard Barr of Kings Lynn with whom she lived a quarter century and bore him two children.

When the girl was already fluent in English, she told that she and her brother lived in a country called the Holy Land Martina. There is no sun, twilight is in the afternoon, and at night comes complete darkness. All people in this country are green. In that ill-fated the day she and her brother grazed sheep, when suddenly they spun around a ball of fire that pulled them into itself, and then they woke up in a wolf pit near a wheat field, where peasants saw them.

No one, then or now, can determine where on our this strange country of green men can exist on the planet, living in constant fog and not knowing the sun. Moreover, if even to admit that such a place in the twelfth century is somewhere existed, how did the children end up in England? Researchers of this strange phenomenon have built and are still building all sorts of versions, but not one of them stands up to criticism, except perhaps the most fantastic – the children came to Britain from a parallel world where people are not particularly different on us. After all Agnes, for example, gave birth to children, having lived a long life and died in 1238.

Photo from open sources

By the way, one of her descendants is famous – this is Richards Ivor, famous politician who is currently a member Privy Council under Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain.

UK Sun

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