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More recently, the creation stories described in Bibles were perceived as legends. Just myths and tales that Jews in ancient times learned from the Sumerians, and those, either themselves invented, or heard from the people who lived before them in the valley between the Tigris and the Euphrates. But modern scientists decided to take a look on the Bible in a different way and check if it contains unknown scientific knowledge. The impetus for a new approach in the scientific Bible study has become that in ancient Indian sacred texts found the most complicated modern scientific descriptions of the theory the big bang, the use of nuclear weapons and spacecraft starships. So, maybe the Bible also has descriptions accurate enough scientific information that previously simply could not to decrypt? Two people are seriously interested in this problem. American scientists, professor at the University of California Jesse Lawrence and professor of the University of Washington Michael Visashen. They are the first saw the scientific meaning in ancient myths. For example, many the statement that God separated some water above the firmament from the firmament was surprising even more mysterious water under the firmament. For the scientific community traditionally these words were further evidence of ignorance ancient authors. They thought it was from the “firmament of heaven”, which separates the rains from the earth’s rivers, seas and oceans. But on the opinion of these two American scientists, this is not about heaven, and not about rain. It refers to large underground tanks with water. They were discovered recently, under all earthly continents, at a depth of more than a thousand kilometers. It’s huge water supplies that exceed the total amount of water that makes up World Ocean. If a giant earthquake happened simultaneously all over the planet, then this water would be enough, to cause a new global flood. Moreover gentlemen Lawrence and Vichens believe that once in the world they once called a catastrophe is the same flood described in the Bible. well and then they again went into their underground tanks. Similar modern scientists have explained the origin of the air, which nothing is said in the Bible at all. Although it is clear what exactly thanks to the atmosphere and the precisely selected gas ratio, perhaps the very existence of life on Earth. But scientists have found here advanced scientific views. The secret was hidden in the word greens. A revealed his scientist from the University of Alabama in the USA, professor Kurt Conhauser. He believes that the word “greens” means not grass or moss, but blue-green algae. In the first oceans The land was dominated by methane-forming algae. Their huge the quantity then formed the planet’s atmosphere – an excess of methane, high temperature, frequent thunderstorms, and a complete lack of conditions for life development. But about two and a half billion years ago methane-forming algae began to die out. They lacked nickel which is their natural nutrient material. But nickel then it became very small, he no longer fell into the water from the lava volcanoes. Since the volcanoes themselves were suddenly silent. A blue green algae, on the contrary, multiplied, and filled the atmosphere with oxygen. That is, according to the scientist, the Great Oxidation has come. And already then, after this oceanic “green”, animals appeared and plants described in the continuation of the bible verse. But remains the next question is if the holy books of antiquity are so good described the very origin of life on earth, and technology, about which we can only dream now, where did this knowledge come from? taken from people who just recently themselves came out of caves? If you look at the history of the evolution of animals and plants open-minded, it turns out that we see a series of genetic experiments. Sometimes there is something in common between species models, and sometimes they come out of nowhere. For example, completely unexpectedly, flowering plants appear in the Mesozoic. In their the structure has nothing to do with those plants that they preceded. And the mushrooms, standing completely apart? A unexpected heyday of dinosaur civilization and giant horsetail and ferns? And no less strange and mysterious their death? All this suggests that secretly acting on our Earth giant genetic laboratory. For millions of years in her new species of animals and plants are being bred and bred. And the old ones, for unnecessary, destroyed. Although not all. Periodically we discover relics of antiquity somewhere in abandoned areas or in the deep ocean. And the sacred books are kept on their pages echoes of those events. For example, in the same Bible it speaks of a race of evil giants that destroyed everything around. And about that they were specifically destroyed during the Flood. Maybe it’s about dinosaurs? After all, these huge dinosaurs never they didn’t differ in their peaceful nature, and with their multi-ton weight they could easy to cause great damage. Who could arrange for our planet an experiment of this level of complexity? Probably, we are talking about aliens. Only representatives of civilization, far superior to ours, could use, as laboratory a whole planet. Of course, it is difficult for us to imagine their goals. But one thing is certain. Earlier, when humanity was still young, employees of this super secret laboratory dealt with our ancestors disguised as gods. They gave humanity the basis of culture, talked about how life developed on earth. And then they brought contact with people to a minimum. Their stories are preserved only in ancient texts.
Water Volcanoes Dinosaurs Plant Life