A photo from open sources
A believer in a foundry was forced to quit work to “save his soul.” The fact is that the man was given tax form number 666. In April 2011, Walter Elephantopus (Walter Slonopas) got a job at a foundry, located in Tennessee, ancillary workers. Hardworking the man showed only positive traits until found out that an annoying error occurred – instead of work number 668 he was assigned 666. Photos from open sources This news shocked the devout American, and he immediately went to the enterprise’s management with demanding to remove the “mark of the beast” from him. Company spokeswoman hastened to apologize to the insulted Christian and inform that his number is again 668. But this is the trouble Elephant trek did not end – in July 2011 in the company’s system there was a failure, and the man again was at number 666. At this once the American took more decisive action – refused go to work. His actions had an effect, and “satanic number ”again changed. However, in 2013, three sixes again “overtook” a 52-year-old man in the form of tax form W-2 with a stamp 666. Walter did not complain and ask for another form – he just quit. Attempts by the Vice President of Marketing to persuade the pious The elephantophone did not quit work were in vain. “All to me need is to get a new W-2 form. Otherwise I can’t pay taxes. There can be no question of returning to the factory – this the same as going straight to hell. By accepting the number of the beast, you sell your soul to the devil, ”summed up Wilson. “We sent our former employee a new form and will gladly restore him in office. To be honest, I have no words – how could this to repeat, ”the company spokeswoman perplexed. “For Christians who take too literally words from the New Testament, any connection with the number 666 is perceived as a betrayal of one’s faith and identification with the Antichrist. “The number of the beast” is really unacceptable to believers, so I understand the horror of this man, “- senior teacher of theology commented on the incident University of Chicago Jay Phelan.