The origins of morality

Photo from open sources

The importance of the influence of family and school on the moral and spiritual human development cannot be overestimated. But, unfortunately, very often both parents and teachers forget to vaccinate the younger generational true values. Bringing a person in many cases can not distinguish between good and evil, understand various moral conflicts and make the right choice. How to fix this situation?

“A healthy mind is in a healthy body,” says folk wisdom. But modern man is burdened not only with bodily diseases, but and the problems of their inner world. And if from physical ailments pharmaceutical companies are releasing more and more new drugs then to solve mental problems, we already need to do independent efforts. Perhaps that’s why we close our eyes to many things, getting used to mediocrity, simply because it’s easiest. In the very in fact, in the country of the blind you will feel flawed?

But let’s wake up from somnambulistic sleep and see around! Why is modern literature so base? Why it is literally saturated with immoral shock and moral inferiority, as if called upon not to enlighten man, but to maim his mind? Why are so few films made with deep meaning and prefer bloody massacres and vulgar comedies? Why contemporary artists are now not known to the whole world, but possess only small sites and little-visited salons? As known, art is a reflection of reality. And what? It turns out that in our there is nothing outstanding, memorable and important with you? Is moral corruption the only possible way? Of course, this is not so. But why then do we get used to it? A all because we seem to get apathy, losing moral landmarks, forgetting important values ​​at all times, and rapidly plunging into a strange world in which cynicism and indifference reign, desire for profit and selfishness.

Take a look around. How many people are now ready to raise their heads over material problems and remember altruism? It seems that soulless materialism is the scourge of our time. And after him the complexes, internal problems and ignorance of the laws of morality.

Our dear partners from the West teach us to be year after year loyal to people with different immoral tendencies. Sometimes even there is a feeling that they are doing their best to destroy our national identity and replace it with frankly false representations. And unfortunately, instead of closing your mind for a similar poison, and absorb from Western culture only the best and most valuable we continue to listen to this destructive impulses. But Russia is a great country and there are a lot of us worthy people, reasonable, talented, honest … So can we to preserve our original culture with you? Can we pass our children understand the laws of morality and moral principles?

We know that the most important foundations are laid in the person in the family, and we strive to invest all our love in our children, to convey to them understanding of what is good and what is bad. In addition, our children they also spend a lot of time at school, in which teachers also could significantly influence moral formation. true teachers, trying to keep up with the formal program, often miss it is out of sight. Rather, they require a huge amount of cramming. information and constantly put marks for it. Many of the educators stopped even trying to stimulate conscious mental activity of the younger generation. And as a result, devote time in a lesson a long conversation about something really important becomes unacceptable luxury. Yes, and students especially do not like deeply to reason, because they are used to a formal approach in the classroom. AND apparently there’s no reason to blame ordinary teachers for this, After all, they did not personally come up with a modern education system. Teachers today are more likely to be childcare staff, as was said at one conference. Everything turned upside down and wisdom in our society unfortunately ceased to be worth its weight gold.

However, one should not neglect wisdom. So, for example, on teachers of literature can help schoolchildren get used to a world of good books that explain the benefits of moral behavior, arouse interest in independent thinking and teach substantiate your own point of view. Discussing various By drawing conclusions and predicting events, teachers can pass on to young generations an understanding of those simple truths that they wake their minds and soften their hearts. Why value life? What is morality and why is it necessary to follow its laws? Like Why do you need to show love and kindness? To many of these children sometimes do not know the answers. We blame them for behave badly, and sometimes we forget that we ourselves did not help them to understand the lessons of life. The lessons of morality.

Why don’t we take, for example, a book of Latin American philosopher Dario Salas Sommera “Moral of the XXI century” and not discuss from her separate chapters with the same teenagers who are on crossroads of moral guidelines? You may notice that this book is not only a good help for younger generations, but also valuable to any adult who wants to know yourself and make life better. And all because she helps deeply understand what is happening and find your own moral path. Perhaps that is why the “Moral of the XXI century” was included in the list. literature recommended by the Union of Writers of Russia, since it allows you to honestly look at yourself and many unsightly sides life and find the strength to correct them.

Interestingly, although this book does not mention directly Bologna process in the education system, which many now inspired in Europe, but convincingly and accurately indicated on its striking flaws and, above all, dehumanization. The main flaws in the modern education system Dario Salas Sommer sees in impersonality, a single standard, authoritarianism, in information aimed at remembering, not at independent conscious thinking. Reasoning on Madness modern life, he sees one of the sources of total insanity in the mistakes of the education system, and rightly indicates that a person is used to paying attention mainly your image and the availability of material wealth, forgetting about your own inner world.

This book also rightly states that modern approach to upbringing and education, unfortunately, permeates the principle “seem” rather than “BE”, and the ability to remember information is appreciated much higher than the ability to think independently. Like that “education” gives rise to mental passivity in the student, with which a growing person just remembers offered him information and is not even able to seriously admit that something one can object, but one can disagree with something. Certainly this approach to learning completely ignores the most valuable in to man – a higher consciousness, without which any knowledge can be not aimed at moral and spiritual goals. “Modern system education does not improve people, but creates some fictional characters with little human content, “electronic people”, the behavior of which is controlled by memory chips, “concludes in the book “Morality of the XXI century” Dario Salas Sommer.

Unfortunately, we dissolve into a general stream of ignorance. Never we haven’t yet encountered such a volume of different information, which we are no longer able to comprehend deeply. We rolled down to determining the level of our “knowledge” with a simple choice answer in tests, almost like in a lottery. It seems like stamps are a little perhaps not the only thing that we now acquire in the process learning. But stamped behavior has no value. Value has his own individual choice of man, his conscious opinion. And mental programs and individual consciousness are things opposite and mutually exclusive order.

It would seem all this is obvious, but unfortunately not all interested in the health of our society. Today, for example, already many notice that in the west there are forces interested in our moral destruction. We are gradually accustomed to immorality and cynicism, our children are gradually being corrupted, take at least this terrifying innovation, like school sex enlightenment (or simply child molestation), which, of course, is detrimental to the psyche and ultimately leads, as we have clearly shown the sad but very instructive story of Sodom and Gomorrah, to degradation of society.

In this regard, it is interesting to note that recently, on one from the meetings of the Valdai Club, Vladimir Putin said very exact words: “We see how many Euro-Atlantic countries actually took the path of abandoning their roots. Denied moral principles and any traditional identity. Held a policy that puts on the same level a large family and same-sex partnership, faith in God, or faith in Satan. Excesses political correctness goes so far as to seriously talk about registration of parties that aim to promote pedophilia. ”

What decision does the head of our state see? Everything is obvious. He says that to resist such harmful currents help foundations of morality, national identity and family values. It is they that make it possible for a person to survive in a vain the world of false accidents and distorted information. We have to strive for moral and conscious education, to preserve spiritual values. And family and school are two forces that must, united to help save the world and keep it for our descendants. It is in the family and school that a person can receive invaluable knowledge of the laws of morality that are not verified by a formal exam. The main examiner here will be LIFE itself.

And many already understand this. So, for example, in Tula recently passed Conference on the protection of traditional spiritual values. This the conference was very unusual: the leaders of the parent Russian public and legal experts unanimously sounded the alarm in connection with current events on the family front, and representatives educational government agencies read out cheerful reports about his fruitful work in the field of family protection. This discord felt from the very beginning of the conference. Why so difficult reach a unanimous conclusion and acknowledge existing problems?

Perhaps the whole point is that officials are doing what is from them require, namely, in every possible way contribute to the introduction of foreign legislative norms. Parents, social activists and legal experts sound the alarm, urging all people to pay attention to unacceptable trends being introduced into our society, into the system education, law and even health.

Let us also turn our attention to the importance of morality and family values. After all, morality and family are the basis of all the foundations and cementing power of society, and activities aimed at their destruction invariably leads to the degradation of the country and extinction her people. Let’s pay attention to this, because the future is ours and our children!

S. Timiryazev

Vladimir Putin Time Life Russia

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