The girl from Kuibyshev (now Samara) was angry with the groom and started dancing with the icon. Then … froze like a block of ice, stood still for 128 days. Tales of this God’s retribution passed from mouth to mouth for forty years. LEGEND January 14, 1956 on the day of the old New Year a young factory worker Zoya decided to throw a party. The youth divided into couples and began to dance. And Zoe herself sat in sad solitude, waiting for the groom Nicholas. Here her eyes fell on the deity, and she, with annoyance, seized the icon of the saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, shouted to friends: “Since my Nikolai did not come – возьму этого Николая”. Фотоfrom open sources On exhorting friends do not sin she answered: “If there is God, let him punish me.” And became dance with an icon in hands. Suddenly the room rang unimaginable noise, a whirlwind, lightning flashed … Everything is terrified rushed out. And when they come to their senses – they saw frozen in the middle Zoe’s room — cold as marble, petrified. Doctors arrived tried to give her a tetanus shot, but the needles couldn’t pierce skin – bent and broken. Zoe herself, however, was alive: beat heart, pulse was palpated. Returning mother Zoe from what she saw lost consciousness and almost lost her mind. Upon learning of the incident, crowds of people began to gather near the ill-fated house, so that authorities put up a police cordon at the door. Often in stories about Zoe appears hieromonk Seraphim from the Glinsky desert, which, Arriving at Christmas, he served a moleben near the girl and consecrated the room. After which he was able to take the icon from her hands and predicted the day, when she is granted forgiveness. Rumor has it that after standing for 128 days, Zoya woke up, her muscles softened, she was laid in bed. After which she repented, urged everyone to repent and peacefully departed to the Lord. PANIC IN THE COMMUNITY From the transcript of the 13th Kuibyshev Regional Conference of January 20, 1956. On the questions of delegates are answered by the first secretary of the Kuibyshev regional committee CPSU Comrade Efremov: “There have been pieces of notes on this subject twenty. Yes, such a miracle happened, shameful for us Communists, phenomenon. Some old woman walked and said: here in this house she danced youth, and one savior began to dance with the icon and petrified. The people began to gather because the leaders were inept police bodies. It can be seen, and someone else had a hand in this. Here they put a police post. And where is the police, there are eyes. Few turned out to be the police … put up the mounted police. And the people – if so, все туда…
Фотоfrom open sources Some even thought of the fact that offered to send priests there to eliminate this shameful phenomena. The bureau of the regional committee recommended the bureau of the city committee of culprits strictly to punish, and to comrade Strakhov (editor of the regional party newspaper “Volga commune”. – Ed.) To give explanatory material to the newspaper in form of feuilleton. “The scandal in the regional committee had something to break out from. All what happened so impressed the residents of Kuibyshev and the region that in churches were pulled by crowds of people. For the baptismal rite priests lacked body crosses … NEIGHBORS: NIKOLAI BECAME A RECIDIVIST As it turned out, in a house on 84 Chkalovskaya In 1956, it was not Zoya who lived with her mother, but her fiancé Nikolai and mother his Claudia Petrovna Bologna-on. After the events like tell friends of Claudius Petrovna, she became closed. Through several years moved to Zhigulevsk, where she died 20 years ago. Young Nikolai washed down a lot and went along a slippery path. Some once in prison, once escaped, and at him in that same house the police ambushed. In the end Nicholas as incorrigible an alcoholic and a repeat offender were sent to the countryside, where he soon died. KGB: IT WAS HEARING With the help of the press center regional management of the FSB managed to find an eyewitness of those events from KGB Says Mikhail Egorovich Bakanov: “At that time I was KGB senior commissioner. The authorities sent me to sort out the same house on Chkalovskaya. There I saw tricks who the chervonets promised to bring those who wish to the house and show the petrified the virgin. Yes, no one prevented them from entering. I myself led to the house a few curious groups who confirmed that nothing did not see. But people did not disperse. And this disgrace continued a week. I don’t remember if I spoke with Zoe herself or not. So many лет прошло”.
Фотоfrom open sources Another eyewitness, a Samara worker “Labor Inspection” Valery Borisovich Kotlyarov, considers all this fiction “churchmen”: “I was then a boy. Us boys in the house was not allowed. And adults, the police turned on 10 people. Going out they said: “There is nobody there.” But the people did not disperse … I saw as a truck drove along the street with pipes and when turning around with a load crippled several people. And the pilgrims fumbled: “This is God’s Kara … “CHURCH: THE PRIEST TO ZOE DON’T PUSH UP THE MEMORIES shares the head of the Ascension Cathedral Andrei Andreyevich Savin: “Was I was at that time the secretary of the diocesan administration. Is calling our Bishop Hierochem was authorized by Religious Affairs Alekseev and says: “It is necessary to announce to the people from the pulpit that on Chkalovskaya nothing happened. “In response, the bishop asked to be allowed into the house. rector of the Intercession Cathedral, so that he is convinced of everything himself. The Commissioner said: “I’ll call you back in two hours.” And called only two days later and announced that he did not need our services. So none of the clergy were allowed there. Talk about the fact that hieromonk Seraphim visited Zoya is not true … And the crowd showed a small empty room and said: “You see, there no one. “People asked to show a large room.” Yes, they have things are dumped, there’s nothing to watch, “authorities said. these days brigades of Komsomol members worked on city trams, who convinced people that they were in the house and no they didn’t see the frozen girl. ” FEAR Many believers in Samara know pensioner A.I. Fedotova. “In those days, I was twice near Zoe’s house,” Anna Ivanovna, – came from far away. But the house was surrounded by police. AND then I decided to ask some policeman from protection. Soon one of them – very young – came out of the gate. I followed him, stopped him: “Tell me, is it true that Zoe is standing?” He replied: “You ask exactly how my wife is. But I’m nothing I won’t say, but rather see for yourself … “He took off his cap and showed completely gray hair: “See? This is more true than words … After all we gave a subscription, we are forbidden to talk about it … But if if you only knew how scared I was to look at this frozen a girl! “DOCTORS:” NEEDLES BROKEN “A man was found, He told something new about the Samara miracle. It turned out to be respected in Samara, rector of the Sofia Church Priest Vitaly Kalashnikov: “Anna Pavlovna Kalashnikova – my mother’s aunt – in 1956 worked in Kuibyshev as an ambulance doctor. That day in the morning she came to our home and said: “You’re sleeping here, and the city has long been on her feet! “And she told about a petrified girl. And she admitted (although she gave a subscription) that she was in that house now call. I saw the frozen Zoya. I saw the icon of St. Nicholas in her in hand. I tried to make a miserable shot, but the needles bent, broke, and therefore failed to make an injection. Everyone was shocked by her the story … Anna Pavlovna Kalashnikova worked at the ambulance then a doctor for many more years. She died in 1996. I had time stole it shortly before death. Many of those to whom she told about the incident on that very first winter day. ” RELATIVES: “ZOYA ALIVE?” In 1989, in the Volzhsky newspaper Komsomolets “published an article by journalist Anton Zhogolev called The Miracle of Zoe. Soon an elderly man came to Anton who claimed that at the end of the 50s he worked in the workshop of mirrors located opposite the house on Chkalovskaya. And his workmates first They ran to the cries of youth for help before the police outfit. By their stories – pale as a candle, the face of a frozen woman it seemed creepy … And then Zhogolev called … a relative petrified by Zoe and reported that … Zoe is still alive. Many years lay in a mental hospital. Then relatives took her to Kinel, where she lives under their supervision. Very afraid to remember those creepy days. And relatives do not allow anyone to her – so as not to worry. “I Immediately went to Kinel, ”says Zhogolev. – but relatives met me with hostility. They confirmed that their ward in 1956 was in a psychiatric hospital, but any involvement in The Samara miracle was denied and put me out the door. So I still I don’t know yet: is it Zoya and how true is the story itself … ” – Anton Evgenievich concluded perplexedly. Well, the ellipsis in history about the Samara miracle we pose. After all, any miracle is based more on faith, rather than evidence.